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At the hospital...

Once I got out the car with Tina in my arms I ran in saying"Help Help!" nurses came rushing up to me and brought a gurney i tried to walk to the back with her but they didn't let me i had to stay in the wating room i called her and my mom then i called Terrance and Quan they was all on they way.10 minutes later my mom came in i hugged her and we sat down.Then everyone else came in.Tina's mom was crying asking me "What's wrong with my baby?" i didn't even know.7 minutes later the doctor came out and called for the family of Tina Jones.

Doctor:Family of Tina Jones?(We all stood up)

well she's not sick but it turns out she 1 month pregnant

When he said that i was shocked and i was happy we was all smiling.

Mama J:Looks like your expecting a child Keith *she said smiling at me*

Me:Doctor can I go see her

Doctor:sure one by one

Momma J:Keith you should go first

I got up and walked into Tina's room she was in there playing with her belly.

Me:So we having a baby 😁

Tina:Yeah*she said dryly*

Me:What's wrong?

Tina:I always wanted kids and now that I got my blessing will you be their for me?

Me:What you talking bout of coarse you know I love you don't trip Tina

Tina:You don't ever show it

Me:You don't think I love you? Wow

Tina:We don't talk like we used too and you can't just be saying it like we not arguing if you want to be here for me you need to prove to me you'll be here

Me:(sighs)I'm gon be here regardless

Tina:What about Nesha?


Momma J:Omg my baby how you feeling?

Tina great ma

When her mom walked in i decided to leave the room I had a feeling this was all about Nesha.

Raymond P.O.V

So when I heard my sister was in the hospital I went to go pick up my son and went straight to the hospital.The good news is that she good and she expecting 👶.When I made it their I saw Keith and the rest of them in the waiting room.

Me:Yo Keith wassup?

Keith:Nun Ray *daps*

Me:Where my mom and sister?

Keith they in room 134 down the hall


I walked down the hall and saw the room My little man was getting tired so I picked him up.I walked in and saw my sister and my momma.

Me:Aww my baby sis growin up*Fake cries*

Tina:Lol shut up

Me:Cant beat me tho

When I said that momma hit me upside the head that shit hurt but I didn't cry.

Tina:Lol thanks ma

Momma J:No problem baby girl

Kaden:Titi yous have a baby?

Tina:Ya you gon have a cousin little man

Kaden giggled and smiled at us all.A couple minutes later her ratchet sass friends came in and me and momma left the room.


They all laughed and I cleared it.


Me and Ash was in the room and we was al just talking Ash told us about her and Quan being engaged and Tina is pregnant damn my girls growin up and in here like 😨.Terrance wanna be slow with all this I understand because of his past but we living it up in the future.Tina started telling us about Keith helping Nesha with her baby and its not even his ooo I swear if that was Terrance I would beat his ass.


Keith think this discussion is over and done with he thought wrong he super lucky my mom came in the room because I wad bout to say some things I might have regretted.I am happy I'm about to have a baby whatever god gives me I don't mind but I hope Keith will be here with me through out my pregnancy only time will tell.

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