Chapter 17

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Wedding Day!


Today I make my fiance my beautiful wife it's been what feels like years through the arguments we still made it. I was by the alter waiting the theme pink and white their were all our family members scattered around the church. Then the music started to play (Luther Vandross here and now). The bridesmaids were the first to come then the ring bearer and the flower girl.Once those doors opened Ash and her father were walking down the isle my heart was beating fast and I was speechless.When her father gave her away we began.

Pastor:Heavenly father we are all gathered here to unite these two souls into one if any one thinks these two should not be married speak or forever hold your peace.

No one said anything so we continued after we said our vows Kaden gave us the rings and we slipped them on.

Pastor:I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride

With that said I pulled Ash and kissed her passionately.Since Ash is 4 months pregnant she can't have much seafood so we had hella soul food the party was amazing the cake was the best part I gotta admit.Before the party was over I asked the dj to play the song that me and Ash danced to when we first met.

Dj:Ashley I would like you and Quan on the dance floor please

I grabbed Ashley and we made our way to the dance floor once the song started Ash was smiling and tears came out her eyes.

Ash:So Mr.Robinson may I have this dance

Me:Of coarse Mrs.Robinson

We danced the evening away until we all went home.Me and Ash going to the Bahamas for our honey moon next weekend.


Since me and Tina had that argument she decided to move out and live on her own I really don't like that since she could give birth any day now. While we were at the wedding I was just staring at Tina she looked so beautiful she caught me staring 5 times I had to play it off a lil.Some random female tried flirting with me I was just stuck on Tina.

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