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I got out the shower and checked my phone their were 5 missed calls from Ashley I decided to call her back.


Ash:Where You At!!

Me:What you mean where I'm at I'm at home bout to eat some fruity pebbles why what's up?

Ash:Tina is in labor dumb shit

Me:Watch the language and alright I'll be their as soon as I can gotta go pick up my daughter and I'll be their


Me:Yeah my Lil angel

Ash:Aww OK see ya bye

Me:Alright bye

End Of Convo

When I got off the phone I got dressed in my polo fit ate my fruity pebbles then I went to go pick up Trinity from my momma house.

Trin-Hey Daddy(She said jumping into my arms)

Me:Hey baby girl we gotta go to the hospital my friend Tina having her babies


I realized I forgot to ask which hospital so I called Ash back up


Me:Aye Ash which hospital

Ash:Its Saint Montgomery Hospital

Me:Aight I'll be their in 10

Ash:You pretty much late she already gave birth to one of em it was a boy

Me:Aww man my bad

Ash:See you when you get here

Me:Bye Ash


End Of Convo

Me: Trin

Trin-Yes daddy

Me:I guess we gon see mommy also


I drove off to the hospital and I saw Ash and Jenn.They met Trinity and they loved her.We went up to Tina's room she already had the twins they were too adorable.

Me:Hey Everyone

Everyone: Hey Miguel

Me:Tina what's they names?

Tina:Tremaine Wilson and Tracie Wilson

Me:They are beautiful

Tina and Keith:Thank you

Me:Your Welcome


Once me and Keith Arrived to the hospital Keith was going crazy.Yelling and shit asking for nurses cussing em out but then I had to change into a hospital gown and into my delivery room I went.Shortly after I was connected to the I.v machine the same female from last time came in.

??:Hello my name is Rayven and I will be helping the doctor deliver your baby today

Me:Just as long you won't be eyeing my husband over their(I said pointing to Keith)

Keith:Husband(He said cheesin hard asf)

Fast Forward>>>>

After 3 hours of labor my twins were born.

Tremaine Wilson born at 4:23 5 pounds 6oz 12/13/14

Tracie Wilson born at 4:32 4 pounds 5oz 12/13/14

Everybody was here except for Miguel 10 minutes later he walked in and said it was his daughter. She was adorable she had a lot to ask about the twins.

(A/N:Next is the epilogue and a pic of the twins will be up)

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