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4 years Later...


Yesterday Quan asked me to marry him.I was shocked because in the past year I accused him of cheating and we would fight a lot and he would just storm out that shit was getting very annoying. It was always quiet in the house.


Quan was acting strange as usual but I let it slide because I really don't care no more.


(I looked over at him as he was walking up to me from the front door)


Quan:I know we been kinda off lately and we not how we used to be.I just been thinking a lot and ...

He was taking something out from his pocket their in his hand was a little box after he pulled it out and opened it I saw a diamond ring he got on one knee and I was just shocked I started to cry.

Quan: And I really want to say thank you for Staying with me after all we been through Ashley Veronica Mclain I want to spend the rest of my life with you will you marry me?

Me:*Sniffs*Yes I will marry you Quan

When I said that he was so happy he lifted me up and twirled me he slipped the ring on my finger and I stared at it I gave him a long Passionate kiss.

Flashback over...


I've been living with Keith for two years know it turns out the baby was not his but he still takes care of it. We been arguing over this for the longest I really hate arguing with him but he pushes me.


Keith: Yeah

Me:Why don't you ever listen to me?

Keith:*sighs* Tina what are you trying to say

Me:You never home and we never talk you dobt understand me every time I cook you at the trap or helping Nesha with her baby and its not even yours

Keith:She needs help with h her son and I be busy counting my money you know how my life is

Me:She dont need help you see that Benz she got


Me:You bought it for her!?!


Me:Are you serious right now don't you think I would want to have a child by you don't even got time to be at home I don't either

(With that said I walked upstairs and went into the guestroom I locked the door and just cried this shit hurts on the real)

Keith: Yo Tina open the door please

(I didn't answer him I don't even want to look at him)

After a while got up and went into our bedroom it was 8:45 so I guess he's going to sleep.I walked out the guestroom and went to the bathroom once I got out Keith was their at the door we stared at each other until he broke the silence.

Keith:Tina I can't sleep and I know you can't sleep either please come to bed with me

I gotta admit it was hard sleeping without him so I went into our bedroom with him and we slept together. With him I was sleep faster than I knew it.The next morning I ran to the bathroom throwing up I guess its cuz I haven't eaten anything last night. I got in the shower after that I brushed my teeth. I went back into the room and put on a Miami dolphins jersey and my laced panties not like I'm going anywhere.I went to the kitchen and made breakfast eggs bacon grits sausage pancakes. I set it all on the table Keith came down all fresh up and sat down at the table I sat next to him and we dug in.After that I played down I really wasn't feeling to well no more bacon for me.


Me and Tina been kinda rocky lately but last night I'm glad I got to hold her while we slept I miss days like this.This morning she was acting different she threw up that's what woke me up.then after we ate she was looking sick I felt bad.

Me:Bae you good?

She nodded but she don't look good.She layed on the couch and fell asleep.I went upstairs to text my boys and tell them I'm not coming my girl need me even if she don't want to admit it after I put my phone down on the bed Tina was calling me.


I ran down the stairs almost tripping when Tina said she couldn't breath right I gotta tell ya I was scared I didn't know what to do so I grabbed her a pair of jeans and picked her up and opened my passenger side door and ran to the driver's side and Zoomed off to the hospital.


Me and Jenn live together now I could never be happier.


Jenn:Lol Terr we not even married so ✋😂😂

Me:I cooked you breakfast

Jenn:Heating up frozen pancakes and sausages is not actually"Cooked" but thank you

Me:So I don't get a kiss?

Jenn walked over to me and gave me a kiss

Me: know soon you won't be able to walk that fast

Jenn:Umm why?

Me:Because I'm gon murder that pussy

Jenn:Lmao Terr you a fool 😂😂

Me:But you love me though


Me:What you mean well

Jenn:I don't love you

When she said that I felt like I just got shot and my heart wad ripped out.

Jenn:I'm in love with you

I looked up so quick and laughed I swear she got me going soft but its what happens when you really love somebody you would die for.

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