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Its been like 4 Hours since I talked to Tina since she left my house.After I took her home I went back home.Nesha was on my couch watching T.V and my sister came downstairs and she gave me a big hug.

Claire:Hey Keith*she said giving me a big hug*

Me:Hey Sis

Claire:Who is this*she said pointing at Nesha*

Me:Thats just m-

Nesha:His girl friend who are you

Me:Aye Nesha chill wit this shit okay,Claire she claims she's pregnant by me

Claire:😲 Wow does Tina know?

Me:She was just here and I think she mad at me

Nesha:I'm hungry

Claire:Lemme go call her and stfu that baby might not be my brothers so you gon have too go get your own food

Nesha:Girl put that attitude in check and whatever ion need to be here

*Nesha got up and walked outside and she walked to her car and zoomed off*

Claire:Well momma working late at the hospital today so she coming home late you spending the night here or at your house?

Me:Since you a little baby I'll stay here

Claire:boy shut up

Me:Okay I guess I'll go home*I said walking slowly to the door acting like I was leaving*

Claire:Nooo wait maybe you should stay

Me:Lol scared ass lil girl

*Claire punched my arm playfully and went upstairs*


So when I went upstairs I grabbed my phone and called Tina I guess she was on her phone or something because she answered on the first ring.


Tina:Hey baby girl

Me:Hey sis

Tina:so what's up?

Me:Oh nothing I just wanted to know what's up with you and Keith

Tina:Oh...Ugh its nothing

Me:I'm pretty sure something up you didn't stay over

Tina:cuz his baby momma was their like I really did not want to be in no drama

Me:Oh right,Lets go do something like a early birthday party or something

Tina:Okay get dress ima come get you

After I got off the phone I got in the shower.I got out the shower and I put on my white polo shirt and my white grape 5s and went down stairs.Keith was looking at me."What's up?" I asked him and broke the silence."Where you going?" he asked "I'm going out wit Tina".When I said that he got up and walked outside I went outside too Tina was their waiting for me when she saw Keith her facial expression changed.I got in the car and we was bout to pull off until Keith came up to the driver side window and started talking to Tina.

Keith:Aye Tina we gotta talk

Tina:I didn't come here for you and I have nothing to say to you

Keith sighed and went back into the house.

Me and Tina speed off to the movies.


So once I pulled up to Keith momma house I waited for Claire.The door swung open and it was Keith then Claire.Claire got in the car and Keith came to my side he was talking bout how we need to talk I gotta admit I miss him but I asked him was there any other secrets and he lied to me this shit hurts to think about.

Claire:Tina I know you love my brother and I want you to know he loves you too yall need to fix this cuz y'all a mess

Me:Ugh...Claire you know me so well I really do love him

After the movie Think like a man 2 was done we went back to the house with Claire we walked in and saw Keith drunk and listening to Trey Songz love lost wow he is really hurt.Claire walked into her room and i guess she went to sleep.I walked over to him and he stared at me and finally said "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I...I just didn't wanna lose you."You didn't lose me Keith you already know I love you too much to ever leave you".We hugged for a while then we Kissed for a while but this kiss was a little more passionate."Are you ready"He asked me i nodded in response.He picked me up and we went to his room and made love for what felt like 6 hours.I took my virginity very serious and the fact that my first was Keith i am actually happy it was him.


I have been at home with my sis Tiffany for the longest i really need to talk to Jenn i lost my heart and to tell y'all the truth i feel like I'm nothing without her she really need to come back every night i go back to my house and its empty I'm all alone lemme stop acting like a pussy and just go to her momma house where I'm sure she was at.I threw on my Blue and White polo fit with my cocaines.I got outside and hopped in my black and white Bentley and sped off to Jenn's momma house.Once i got the their i knocked on the door and Momma Lawrence opened the door she didn't seem to happy.

Me: Momma Lawrence i know you are mad at me and so is Jenn but i really need to talk to her i cant even go a day without thinking about what i did i know I'm wrong and i need for her to know that

Momma L:Alright she in the guest room upstairs first room on the left

Once she let me in i walked up the stairs and knocked on the door the room.


When she turned around and saw it was me she quickly got up and tried to push me out the room.

Jenn:Get Out Terrance Now!

Me:Jenn please just hear me out please

She stopped pushing me and she looked down at the floor

Me:First of all i know i was wrong to put my hands on you and I'm sorry i promise you i never had put my hands on a women and i love you too much to give up what we had just please come back home with me



Jenn:Who was the girl on the phone with you?

Me:It was a old friend named Trina we used to go out in 8th grade but it was nun major

Jenn:Why couldn't you just answer me when i asked you (she said looking up at me with a tear falling down her cheek)

Me:I'm sorry i was just ...Idk just please come back home

Jenn:I'm gonna need some time maybe tomorrow idk

Me:I APOLOGIZE AND ASK YOU TO COME BACK WITH ME AND YOU SAY NO JENNIFER!  please i need you i said with a tear falling down my cheek

She gave me a tight hug and i felt like we were together again i swear ima protect her i love her too much to ever lose her i hope she comes back home with me.She fell asleep on my chest and i ran my fingers through her hair and i was knocked out.

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