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Since I found out Tina goes out with Keith I wasn't mad Keith is a good boy so why not.With Ray and his son I learned to live with it.Kaden is very cute he reminds me of Raymond when he was a baby.I guess life is going well so far but I think I'ma stop this drug dealing shit and let Keith take my spot.


Me and Ash been dating for 5 months now I really wanna wife her someday she already met my mom and my momma loves her.We gon chill later so I wanna make this night special.I told her to get dressed super fancy because I made reservations at this fancy restaurant she told me she always wanted to go to but couldn't.I was dress in a nice suit with a baby blue tie.I got in my Black Range Rover and drove off to Ashley's house.When I saw her I was speechless she was wearing a black dress that fit her curves just right her hair was curly and she had on a light shade of red lipstick.She make a nigga wanna do some thangs.I walked out the car and opened her door then got back on my side and we drove off to the restaurant.Once we pulled up she looked so shocked and happy.

Ash:OMG Quan I always wanted to come here when I was little*She looked sad remembering why she couldn't come*

Quan:Don't worry bae I got this

She smiled and we walked in holding hands.The waiter greeted us and directed us to our table we sat down.

Waiter:Hellow I'm your waiter today my name is Draya what can I start yall off with today?

Me:Ima get a sprite

Ash:I'll get a peach iced tea

Waiter:Are you guys ready to order your meals?

Me:I'll have a ribs and shrimp special with a baked potato

Ash:I'll have the checken Alfredo with shrimp

Waiter:Okay it will be right out in 10 minutes

Our food came out and we was diggin in

Me:Damn Ash you can eat

Ash:I told you that 😂😂

I Just stared at her she is so beautiful

Ash:What? Is there something on my face?

Me:No lol your just so beautiful

When I said that she was cheesin hard asf

Ash:Stop 😄

After we ate we went to the park and just walked around and went on the swings.Her feet started to hurt so I picked her up and brought her to my car.I took her home and gave her a long kiss before she left.My night was over I went home and got in my bed I posted the pics we took on IG with the caption"My night with my future wife" I tagged her in it she left emojis in the comments"😘😍😍" After that I fell asleep.


I was in the living room with Kaden tryna get him to talk all he did was stare at me and giggle he so adorable.Me and Keith have been dating for 6 months now I already told him don't ask me bout popping my cherry till my time is right he's a great guy for waiting on me.My birthday is coming up soon in a week and Keith said he wanna throw me a party on the beach he already spoke to my parents about it and they agreed.Him and Ray get along very well now Keith is the Drug lord since my dad retired that chapter in his life.

Me:Kaden Say Tina

Kaden 😄😃

Me:Kaden say I love you 😊

Kaden:I Wub lou


Ray:Girl what is your problem yelling and shit

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