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So I was on my way to go get Tina a present with Keith.Claire stayed home with Tina she don't know we getting Tina a present.Tina been mad cuz she think Keith cheating but she just don't know what we try a get her.We drove to the mall and we went around to the expensive places.When Keith wanna get something done he get it done we was finna get her a pandora bracelet he said he wanted the best for her so we went to Kay's. There was a diamond encrusted silver necklace he decided to get her we was also about to go to footlocker and get Kaden some shoes.When we started walking to footlocker Claire called and said that Tina was in a lot of pain and she kept yelling and cussing. I really don't see how Keith deal with this cuz i know I can't.We got Kaden a pair of Nike cocaines and a pair of KD's I drove Keith home then I started to drive to my soon to be wifey Jennifer.Once I got home Jennifer was in the bathroom with a pregnancy test when she saw me she tried to hide it.

jenn:Hey Terr how was your day(She gave me a hug but I rejected it she gave me a look like "what's wrong")

Me:You pregnant?


Me:Why you hiding this from me you know I love you and we can go through this together(she gave me a half smile)

Jenn:I wanna go to the hospital Terr

Me:Alright get dressed(about 10 minutes later Jenn was dressed up)

We drove to the hospital she went up to the front desk to asked to see the doctor.Shortly later the doctor called us we stood up and went to the back.

doctor:Hello I am doctor Kenny how can I help y'all

Jenn:We'll I took a pregnancy test and It says I'm pregnant

Doctor:Well go to the bathroom pee in this cup and well see

Jenn left the room and 6 minutes later she came out she gave the cup to the doctor and he left the room.We waited in the room and 20 minutes later the doctor came back in.

Doctor:Well I have great news you are pregnant Jennifer

Me:Wow 😀

Jenn:But wait ... I can't be I was on birth control

Doctor:Oh okay umm let me go run some more test

Is Jenn serious right now birth control she didn't even tell me.after another 20 minutes the doctor came back in the room.

Doctor: Okay it seems you were right your not pregnant

Jenn:Exactly what I thought thanks doc

Doctor:No problem

The car ride back home was silent I really do not like the fact that she didn't tell me.

Me:So why you didn't tell me



She looked scared I never raised my voice but I'm pissed the hell off.

Jenn:I know I should have told you but I don't want to have kids right now

Me:So that means all those times we talked about having kids you never wanted to have kids with me?

Jenn:Look Terr it's not like that of coarse I want to have kids with you I just don't want to have kids now

Me:(Sighs)Whatever Jennifer

I grabbed my keys and drove to the trap where I was sure the boys would be at once I pulled up I walked in T-Bo the security guard opened the door.I went straight to the round table I started counting cash then Quan and Keith came in laughing they asses off.Keith was talking bout him and his girl expecting they baby n Quan was over their talking bout his engagement like I'm odd balling frfr I really didn't feel like staying so I got up from the table n threw the money in the stash and speed off home.Jenn was sleep on the couch but when I walked in she woke up and stared at me.

Jenn:where did you go baby


Jenn:Terrance why are you still mad at me?

Me:I'm not mad I never was I'm tired I'm going to sleep




So tomorrow my girl Tina birthday I was at the beach throwing the most nicest birthday bash. I was with Kaden , Raymond , Shayla and Mr. And Mrs. Jones. We got hella balloons blown up and the cake looking mighty fine.Since Kaden birthday after Tina birthday we gon have a big ass birthday Bash to celebrate Kaden turning 5 and my girl turning 22.Kaden was dancing to the music and eating Cheetos this little boy is too cute.

Ray:My son got moves just like his daddy

Me:nigga sit yo ugly ass down(When I said that his head snapped and he flicked me off)

Ray:girl shut the hell up you mad

Me:At what you ain't shit

Kaden:You ain't shit (When he said that we all got quiet and stared at him)

Ray:Unt Unt Kaden don't ever say that again

Shayla:I told y'all don't cuss around him

Me:We'll my fault damn

Ray:You straight just don't cuss round him


Kaden:I'm sorry daddy

Ray:It's ok Kaden just don't be saying that round grandma she gon beat you


Kaden and his dad so cute got me thinking about having a kid but I'm focused on this wedding of mine.Once we were done I drove home to my headache Quan.Once I got home The front door was open I was scared like Quan don't ever leave door open.When I walked in the Quan was laying on the floor shot in the shoulder.I was so scared and I didn't know what to do I called an ambulance and they arrived shortly after prolly like 10 minutes after and they drove off I called my and Quan's mom I speed off to the hospital.


Once I got home Tina was going up and down the house cussing n shit like wtf her problem.Claire was just watching bad girls club while looking pissed asf.Once I walked in Tina wanted to calm her ass down.

Tina:Where the fuck you been I been in so much pain

Keith:I been at the mall obviously you can see the foot locker bag in my hands

Tina:Who the fuck you think you talking to Keith

Keith:Why you starting with me

Tina:(Sighs) I'm sorry I'm just tired I'm in pain and I'm hungry

Keith:Lol you want some chicken?

Tina:Yess please

Keith:Ok(I pulled out my phone and called my momma to make me and Tina some fried chicken collard greens and candy yams)

Tina:Who are you calling

Me:momma,You thought I was gon cook Lol Nah 😂😂

Tina:I don't care if you cook or not I'm just hungry and I got a doctors appointment in 4 days


Momma arrived 30 minutes later she walked in the house and the smell of food hit my nose I got up so quick and ran to the kitchen.Of course Tina was already in their tryna get the first plate which she did.Claire was just grubbing acting like she didn't even know anybody and I was just eating with my feet up on my wifey she was cracking on my toes but I didn't care.Momma smacked me one good time and I almost dropped my food.Before I knew it Tin was knocked out and Claire was in the guest room and momma left.I carried Tina to our room and we was knocked out.

It was about 10:45 when Ashley called me and told me to come to the hospital she said that Quan was shot I woke up Tina and we got up and showered up before I knew it we was speeding off to the hospital.When we arrived there Ash was in the waiting room with her and Quan's momma.Ashley was crying and the Docotor came out.

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