CHAPTER 16(What's Going On?)

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2 Weeks Later...

Today is Tina's doctor appointment she gon have an ultra sound and we gonna find out what the baby is. Me and Tina was dressed in the same Polo fit except her shirt was a little bigger.Once we was Done eating breakfast we hopped in the car it was a 20 minute drive. When we got their she signed in and 5 minutes later we was called to the back.This was a new doctor and I really didn't like how he was eying Tina.

Doc:Well I'm doctor Wilkinson but you can call me Jerome (he said smiling at Tina )

Tina:Well Hey Jerome we just he-

Me:I find that very unprofessional "JEROME"

(Tina's head snapped in my direction I didn't pay her any attention)

Doc:Well I don't know what your talking about but the nurse will be in shortly see y'all later

Tina:Bye Jerome

When he left Tina started cussing me out saying the dumbest shit I Done ever heard.

Tina:Why you always doing that

Me:Tina you know he was eying you and yo didn't say shit so I did was that a problem?

Tina:He was just being ni-

Me:Save that bullshit that was no-

Nurse:Hello I'm nurse Rayven and I will be helping y'all today

This nurse right here  was shaped like an hour glass

she was light skin and she had long hair.

Me:Well how you doing today beautiful

Nurse:*Blushes* I'm doing just fine

Tina:Well! I'm here for my ultra sound Rayven(she said sounding a little mad)

Nurse:Oh right of coarse

3 minutes later she rubbed the gel onto Tina's belly and I think we having twins.

Nurse:I hear two strong heart beats and theres one head and the other one is just over their (she said pointing to the screen)

Tina:So what exactly am I having

Nurse:By the looks of it your having a boy and a girl!

Tina:Alright  now take this shit off my belly so I can go home


Tina:Shut The Hell Up

The nurse wiped the gel off her belly and Tina got up and left the room.The nurse was scheduling the next appointment and told me to follow her to the front so we can conform it.When she was Done she handed me the appointment paper.Tina was in the waiting room just waiting siting with an attitude.

Me:Aye Rayven my bad bout my girls attitude

Rayven:Oh it's fine I deal with attitudes all the time

Me:Lol ill catch you later than

Rayven:Okay *blushing and looking down*

Once I left the front desk Tina got up and walked to the car she stood their waiting for me to open the door.When we got in the car she started laughing.

Me:whats so funny?

Tina:You and the games you be playing

Me:Tina I don't play games and I really don't like the way that nigga was eying you

Tina:You should be the last one talking flirting with that nurse infront of me like that

Me: You was the first one tryna flirt don't start

Tina:What you mean don't start I did nothing wrong

Me:Yeah Yeah whatever

Tina started to cry and I didn't pay her no attention.

Me:Tina why you crying?



As we pulled into the drive way I waited for her response.

Tina:Your not the man I fell in love with

After that she slammed the door and wobbled to the front door and walked in.I just sat their in the car thinking about what she just said.That just killed me inside.


When I got into the house I went straight to the guest room. I sat down on the bed and started  thinking.Me and Keith been through so much but I really don't know if I can make it till the end with him.I fell asleep and that was the end of my day.


WELL y'all ain't heard from me in a while but I got me a lil redbone chick she fine asf.We got a daughter together she so beautiful her name is Trinity Crystal Tucker.She didn't tell me she was pregnant till our daughter turned 2 now I live with her and my daughter.I mean she fine but she can't cook she gives me good head but that ain't shit if you can't cook.It was dinner time and I made my lil girl some Mac n cheese I placed it on the table with a capri sun

Me:Baby girl your food ready

Trinity:*cheesin* Tank yous daddy

Me:No problem baby girl

Shortly after I sat down at the T.v my girl came in

Rayven:Hey baby


Rayven:Nothing I swear these women be having the most rudest attitudes

Me:What you mean?

Rayven:Well about time help this women with her ultrasound till her boyfriend or whatever greeted me and she just had the worst attitude.Shes having twins

Me:Lol what's her name?

Rayven:Tina Jones

Me:Wow I know her

Rayven:You do?

Me:Yeah we was friends back in jit days

Rayven:Well something came over her today

Wow Tina is pregnant with twins and I bet she still with Keith's ungrateful ass.

Trinity:Daddy Daddy Daddy!

Me:Yes baby?

Trinity:Can Wes go to grandma house tomorrow?

Me:OF Coarse

Trinity:Yays I'm tired daddy (she Said yawning)

I brought my baby girl to her room and I tucked her in.I went back to my room and I decided to text Ashley.


Me:Hey Ashley

Ash:You still coming to my cake testing party tomorrow?

Me:I wouldn't miss it


Me:Night lil sis

Ash:Night big bro

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