Social battery
Or I call it that, it's the amount of energy I have to be around people. Some people drain more energy than others. Just like apps on your phone. Once my social battery is dead I need to be alone to get it charged. Most people don't get it and it's hard to explain it to somebody who hasn't gone through the same thing.
So sometimes I can get annoyed no matter what you do. It's not because I don't like you or something like that, it's just that just being around people is hard for me and I need my alone time - my charging time.
The thing is that the charging lasts two times longer than how much my battery. So I need to spend more time alone than with people. Sometimes it's hard to do so especially during a school year. Sitting in one room with 30 people is so exhausting. They are loud, they talk about bullshit I can't listen to without feeling like ripping their head off. The only thing that can save me are my precious headphones. When I put them on and listen to my favorite songs I turn off the world around me. It's like it doesn't exist. Music also helps me to recharge, but since I am around people it doesn't work that much it just helps me to keep my battery alive.
So, please understand when I am not in the mood its probably because I am trying to think of a way to keep myself sane. I am trying to deal with the lack of energy and a bunch of people around me and let me break it down to you - it's fucking hard. Try to understand that I just need my alone time and I'll be fine again.
Don't call out introverts or basically just people for wanting to be alone, it's our way of coping with life.