Chapter Two

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          On the walk back to the bus stop, Izuku has almost complete forgotten about his nervousness around Todoroki. They were engaging in conversation, after Todoroki, genuinely interested, asked how Midoriya know his way around a supermarket like that.
         "Oh," Deku blushed, rubbing the back of his head. "You see, my dad was absent my whole childhood, and my mom was really busy at her work, so I was always the one to do the chores and the shopping, so I'll do those at...our...h-house t-too..." he trailed off, playing with his hair. It was probably the cutest thing Todoroki had ever seen, and he almost found himself smiling despite himself.
         "I wish I knew how to do that stuff. All I know is how to be a hero." Todoroki said, trying to keep up the conversation.
         "I'll teach you, Todo-chan!" Izuku said, eyes gleaming, as he took Todoroki's hands into his own. His eyes instantly widened, and trailed down to his hands. He immediately let go, covering his face, dropping the groceries, and ran away as fast as he could. He couldn't believe he could be so stupid.
          Todoroki just stood there in shock, looking down at his hands. Even his right side seemed to be warmer than it ever had before, and he didn't understand. What was happening to him? He used his quirk to create some ice rods to sling the groceries over, and decided to run after Midoriya. He couldn't let him go off on his own at night. He figured he would run back to the apartment as he ran in that direction, so Todoroki broke into a sprint and followed after him, yelling his name. It was getting seriously dark, and it made Todoroki nervous to think about him being by himself. Eventually, he made it back to the apartment, breathing heavily, and unlocked the door. He saw Midoriya safely on the couch, sobbing, his head in his hands. The sight broke Todoroki's heart, and he tried to get close, reaching his hand out to wipe the tears of of his partner's face. However, when he got close, Deku only cried louder, and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.
        Todoroki went into the kitchen to grab a knife to pick the lock on the door, but dropped it as soon as he heard a familiar sound coming from the bathroom.
         "MIDORIYA!" Todoroki screamed, panic creeping into his voice. "UNLOCK THE DOOR!" Unable to bear it any longer, Todoroki melted the doorknob off the door with his left side, and threw the door open. Izuku was there, violently retching, vomiting up everything he had eaten that day. It didn't seem to stop, and Todoroki, paralyzed by fear, couldn't do a thing to stop it.
           It's seemed like Izuku had no idea that Todoroki was in the bathroom with him, and when Todoroki sat down beside him, rubbing circles into his back, whispering soothing words, he barley even noticed at the moment. 
           After about five minutes, the retching finally stopped, and Izuku, exhausted, passed out on the toilet seat. Todoroki, shaking, grabbed a capful of mouthwash and shook Deku awake gently.
          Izuku gladly accepted it, and spit it out when he was done. The boy was shaking so bad Todoroki could see it, and he felt something break in his chest.
           Midoriya looked like he was about to pass out, and as soon as he started to fall, Todoroki caught him again, just like in class. He involuntarily snuggled closer into Todoroki's chest, breathing a sigh of relief as he was finally able to get some sleep.
           Todoroki stood there for a good three minutes, simply staring at Midoriya who was curled up against his chest, his clothes ruined and his forehead soaked in sweat. He eventually brought him to the bedroom (the only bedroom) and laid him down on the bed as gently as possible. Todoroki dug into his suitcase and picked out one of his smaller tops and a matching pair of shorts. He wiped the sweat off of Midoriya's forehead, and changed him into the new clothes. He tucked him into bed, and went to clean up the bathroom, trying to distract himself from the image of Midoriya snuggled into his chest.
        After he managed to clean the bathroom, he put the groceries away, and made himself a quick dinner. He watched TV for a bit, and then went to go check on Midoriya. He was still fast asleep, but he looked so adorable Todoroki couldn't stop himself from grinning. He changed into his own pajamas, and crawled into the bed, forcing himself to stay as far away from Midoriya as possible, despite wanting to comfort him as best he could.
          When Deku woke up the next morning, he felt really hot. Maybe he had been sleeping too long, or maybe he had a fever? He went to sit up, but then realized that there were two arms wrapped around his torso, one of them burning hot, the other freezing cold. Deku yelped, alarmed that he was being held by the guy he had had a crush on for almost six months, and he started to hyperventilate.
            What did he DO last night? He blushed, his mind instantly racing towards the worst possible answer, but he told himself to stay calm and think. It all came fishing back to him, starting with when he ran away after he called Todoroki "Todo-kun." He groaned all over again, realizing how stupid he sounded. Then, he remembered about throwing up, and how he was so exhausted he almost slammed his head in the floor, and he would've if not for Todoroki. One final image came back to him, and it was him snuggled close to Todoroki's heart, and faint smile on both of their faces.

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