Chapter Fourteen

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Gasps were heard all throughout the 1-A dorm. A frantic Aizawa and Present Mic, along with a shaken Shinsou burst in through the door, and locked it as fast as they could. Everyone rushed downstairs as soon as they heard the noise, and soon students were flooding the common room.
"Okay, stay calm," Aizawa spoke, a hint of panic in his voice. "I need you all to shut this door as fast as possible, and keep it closed."
Momo imedietly steppes up and turned away from everyone. In just a few seconds, the girl had created a metal crowbar and a heavy duty lock to chain the door up in.
"I'll help too." A monotonous voice from the back rang. Todoroki stepped forward, and sealed the crack shut with ice, and molded the iron bar and lock into the door with his fire.
Aizawa and Mic relaxed. "I'm sorry to worry you." Aizawa started, trying to take deep breaths. "There have been numerous villain attacks in the last two hours, and on the demand of Principle Nezu, no one is allowed to leave the dorms until further notice."
"Huh?!" The whole class gasped.
"Um, sir?" Midoriya stepped up. "What are we going to do about food? We always eat in the cafeteria- and it appears the power had been shut off- what are we going to do?"
This started a full-scale panic, as the thought began to sink in. They were trapped- and it was already getting cold. It was the dead of December, and since the heat was shut off, everyone was shivering quickly.
"Don't panic," Todoroki stayed, seeming quite panicked himself. He refused to leave Midoriya's side, seeming to try to shelter from everybody else.
"Okay," a calm and steady voice rang out from the back of the room. Iida was talking, and heading his voice made everyone relax just a little bit. The class rep was always prepared.
"First things first, we need some heat. Momo, if you could create us some wood, that would be most excellent. We wouldn't want you wasting it on trying to make big things like heaters, and we don't have the sugar to replenish it."
Momo nodded, and she pulled a few logs of wood from her arm. She set them down in the fireplace, and Todoroki walked over, visibly upset about having to leave Midoriya.
He snapped his fingers, and a small blaze danced across his fingers. He touched it to the wood, and it instantly lit up. Relieved to finally have some warmth, everyone sat down on the couches to think of a more in-depth plan.
Just then, Sato returned with a huge box in his hands.
"This is all of the sweets, sugar, and food I have in my room. This should be enough to keep Momo's quirk working, and that way we can create some food."
"Excellent idea, Sato-San!" Momo praised, causing him to blush, and Tokoyami to have a nasty look on his face. Momo set to work creating all of the things they would need for a large, hearty dinner.
In the meantime, Todoroki went to everybody's rooms lighting their fireplaces.
       When everybody finally got back downstairs, they were greeted with a heart-warming sight- Aizawa and Shinsou were in the kitchen cooking by lantern light- it was the first time that the class had seen Aizawa look so happy.
      Deku walked over, and pulled Aizawa into a big hug- well, as best he could with his six-month baby bump.
     To everyone's surprise, Aizawa hugged back, crying.
     "I'm so sorry," he sobbed. "I haven't been there for any of you, and you're going through the same thing I went through, and I couldn't have done it without my teacher's support, and I-"
     Mic came over, and wiped the tears out of his partner's gray eyes.
     "Don't mind him," Mic beamed, turning towards all of the kids. "He's only two months along!"
      It was silent for a full two minutes and then the room erupted in cheers. Everyone pulled Aizawa and Mic into a huge hug, with Shinsou in the middle. When everyone pulled away, Shinsou was on his knees, sobbing into his shirt.
     "Shin? SHIN?! Are you okay?!" Mic screamed, already kneeling down to the floor with Aizawa. "I KNEW he wouldn't be happy! I told you, Shota! I don't want him to be upset, and he just means so much to me, and-"
      Shinsou pulled his dads into a huge hug.
      "I'M GONNA BE A BIG BROTHER!" He screamed, happy tears streaming down his face.
     "Yes," Mic whispered, crying himself. "Yes you are!"
      Aizawa was crying too, and just then Mic's eyes went white. Shinsou giggles as he had Mic walk over to Aizawa and pull him into a deep kiss.
      Aizawa, blushing furiously, tried to pull away, but Shinsou forced Mic to pull them back together- he was doubled over laughing, and Aizawa, barely even able to talk, gasping for breath, growled, "'re gonna pay for this..." and he went right back to making out with Aizawa. Eventually, he let Mic go, and Mic turned bright red.
      "Young man, I am taking away your X-box!"
       "And I'M taking away your quirk," Aizawa smirked, causing the whole class to laugh.
      "IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Deku sobbed, running over to Shinsou, hugging him. Shinsou Hughes him fight back- the two had gotten really close over the last few months, and Todoroki has gotten very close with Kendo, his girlfriend. They did double dates every Friday, and they often had movie nights with the rest of their class- so everyone was VERY excited to learn that they were also in the middle of their OWN Baby Project, and Shinsou was expecting as well!
       It's turning out to be one hell of a ride for U.A.!

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