Chapter Eleven

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"Shoto, come on!" Midoriya called, waving over an ecstatic Todoroki. "Look at how cute this one is!" He squealed, pointing to a tiny onesie.
"Aw, you're right," he smirked, picking up Deku and kissing his stomach. "It is adorable!"
The rest of the class laughed, and Midoriya turned bright red, and buried his face in Todoroki's shirt.
All of class 1-A, supervised by Midnight, Mic, and Aizawa of course, we're all at the mall to do some shopping for their nurseries!
Uraraka, Deku, Iida, Todoroki, Bakugo, and Kirishima were all in a group, and while Deku and Uraraka were squealing over how adorable everything was, and Iida and Todoroki were talking about the latest villain attacks, Bakugo refused to move from Kirishima's side.
Deku ran up up the pregnant blonde, and grabbed his hands softly.
"Come on, Kacchan!" He smiled, hope gleaming in his eyes. "I found something you might like!"
Coming to his senses, Midoriya quickly ran towards Todoroki and Landon started crying again, when to his surprise, Bakugo walked over, a smile on his face.
"Oi, Midoriya- What did you want to show me?"
"M-M-Midori...ya?" Izuku stumbled.
"Well, I guess," Katsuki grumbled, placing a hand on his stomach. "I know what you've been going through, and as it turns out, you're not so 'useless' after all. So, I can no longer call you Deku."
Izuku Dan over and gave Katsuki a big hug.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted to be friends with you, Katsuki!" Deku cried, his face damp with tears. "I've always looked up to you! If someone like me can do something like you, well, than I must be doing something right, I guess!"
Much to Izuku's surprise, Bakugo started crying, hugging back. "I'm...I'm...I'm sorry..." he whispered, knowing he didn't really need to explain what he was apologizing for. How could he put a lifetime of pain into one sentence?
Kirishima and Todoroki smiled at each other, and Iida and Ochaco were close to tears themselves.
"How about we all take a break, and go get some lunch?" Todoroki suggested. "I know a great place near here- I'll let Midnight know what's going on!"


        "Okay, everyone!" Midnight explained, clapping her hands together. "It's officially been five months, and let me just say...Y'ALL ARE ARE CO CUTE!!!"
        Izuku instantly covered his face, and Todoroki began stroking his hair trying to calm him down. He patted his stomach gently, and everyone could see that is was sticking out much more prominently than it was before.
       He may have acted embarrassed, but Izuku couldn't be prouder. The fact that he was worthy of carrying Todoroki Shoto's child and that he had managed to keep him or her snuggled safe inside of him for five months. That's pretty amazing!
       "Okay, so back to business. Anyways, Mic and Aizawa have agreed to do some hands-on training with you all! Okay, you guys can come in now!"
      Midnight waved the two teachers in, and to everyone's surprise, they started kissing in front of everyone. Aizawa pulled away, embarrassed, and Mic couldn't stop beaming. "Well, as you've probably all figured out by now..." Aizawa trailed off, holding up his finger. "Mix and I are married, and thanks to Midnight, we went through the same thing that all of you went through. However, I was the one who carried, and Mic was the supporter. Anyways, come in, love."
     Aizawa pointed at the door and beckoned at someone standing at the doorway.
     A flushed, red-faced Shinsou walked into the room, followed by gasps. "SHINSOU?!" Everyone screamed. Aizawa beamed with pride. "Yup- He's my son. Me and Mic's. And we couldn't be prouder. Anyways, we're going to split up into two teams- I'll take Shinsou and all of the ones who are carrying. Mic will take the supporters and we'll each give out some helpful tips! Now, break!"
      No one had ever seen Aizawa so happy, and it put the rest of the class in a good mood. Izuku waved goodbye to Todoroki, and a worried Shoto even asked if he could go with him, but he was denied. He gave Izuku a quick kiss and walked away.
     "I love you."
     "I love you too."
       Eventually, Deku has to go to the bathroom- no surprises there- and on the way, he heard faint screaming from one of the abandoned classrooms. Fearing the worst, he ran as fast as he could (which wasn't really that fast), and threw open the door to the the room. It was very dark, and he went to open up a window, but before he could, someone grabbed him and threw tape over his mouth. He tried to scream and began to cry, trying to call Todoroki's name. No sound came out.
       "MRMPH!" He screamed, turning around to see the face of his attacker.
         Just then, someone jammed their hands onto his stomach. He recoiled in shock, and the same person pulled him fiercely into a deep kiss. The person forced their tongue into  Izuku's mouth, causing him to whimper and start crying. He clawed at the hands around his face, clutching his stomach and praying that Todoroki would come to his rescue.
       "Oh, don't worry!" The person said. Deku knew that voice. "We'll be out of here before HE realizes you're even gone!"
       A high pitched squeal was heard as Deku felt something sharp stab into his neck and begin to such his blood.
      The light turned on.
      Himiko Toga was standing in front of him.

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