Chapter Eight

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"OKAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!" A cheery voice rang out. "SLEEPOVER IN MY APARTMENT!" Mina yelled, followed by the cheers of pretty much everyone in the class, except for Koda, but that was fine, because he didn't really speak.
"Are there going to be drugs at this party?" Momo asked, raising her hand calmly.
"Uh," Kaminari started. "I think Mina keeps some Advil in her closet!"
"You are such a dunce," Jiro said, poking Kaminari in the face.
"That is a relief," Momo said, sitting back down.
"Izuku, how do you feel about this? Are you going to be comfortable?"
"Yes, thank you Shoto- I'm really excited, actually- we haven't all gotten together in a long time, and I think it will be fun!"
"Well then, I think we should go. Let's go pack up a bag."


"Welcome!" Mina shouted, opening the door for a surprised Izuku and Todoroki. There were streamers everywhere that looked suspiciously like Sero's tape, and there was glitter all over the floor. There was fruit punch and lemonade set up on a table on one end of the living room, and chips and veggies and snacks on the other.
"This certainly is extravagant," Todoroki pointed out. "Is there anywhere we can put out things?"
"Oh, of course! Let me show you to the guest room! We're all putting our stuff in there 'till we're all ready to changes!" Mina explained. She danced out of the room, and Sero was waiting for her with his arm outstretched.
"Aw, they're so cute!" Izuku squealed.
"And you're even cuter," Todoroki purred, gripping Izuku's chin and tilting it towards him.
"S-Shoto..." he whispered as Todoroki set his lips against his. After a few seconds, much to Todoroki's dismay, Deku broke the kiss.
"What if everyone thinks I'm ugly? All the girls look natural and happy, but I just don't look like that. I look like a mess!" Deku wailed, trying his best not to cry.
"Oh, Izuku- you've never looked better in my opinion," Todoroki whispered. "I think you look gorgeous, and if anyone has anything else to say, they'll be leaving a bit colder then when they left." He smirked.
        "Thank you," Izuku choked out, pulling Todoroki into a hug. He gave him a smile, and they walked out of the room hand in hand.
Izuku excused himself and asked Mina where the bathroom was. She happily told him she understood, and pointed towards the hallway.
Deku opened the slightly ajar door, and almost fell over in shock at what he was staring at.
Iida and Ochaco were making out in front of the bathtub. Ochaco was holding Iida's glasses, and they were really getting into it. He tried closing the door and walking away, but he tripped over his u tied shoe lace and fell into the room, hands clutched around his stomach.
"Are you alright?" Ochaco asked, pulling him into a hug. "Does your stomach hurt?"
" long were you...Uh...standing there...?" Iida asked, rubbing his hand behind his head.
Izuku smirked and gave Uraraka a slight shove, causing Iida to catch her in his arms, both of them blushing.
"Long enough to do that!" He laughed. "I'm so happy for you guys!" He squealed. "Seriously- I've been waiting for this to happen!"
"HUH?!" Ochaco screamed, blushing like mad. "You knee I...why didn't you...did I...eep!" She hid behind her hands, and Iida gently placed a hand on her stomach.
"I guess the little one brought up closer together." He smiled, leaning down to kiss Uraraka's belly. Uraraka almost started crying, and pulled Iida in for a long kiss. When it didn't stop after a good thirty seconds, Deku decided to take it upon himself to just walk out of there on his own accord.
When he got back to the living room, Todoroki rushes towards him.
"Izuku, where have you been? I was starting to worry!"
He explained what happened with Iida and Ochaco, and he just smiled. He nodded, and gave Izuku a cup of punch.
"Drink up- wouldn't want you getting dehydrated!"
"You worry too much!" Izuku laughed, accepting the punch.
"Alright guys!" Mina yelled, smashing two pots together to get everyone's attention, and boy, did it work. "It's time to play games!"
And with that, everyone sat in a big circle on the living room rug, some next to their partners, some not.
"Okay, we'll start off easy! It's time for spin the bottle!"
Everyone cheered, and Todoroki looked at Izuku with pitying eyes that seemed to say, "Sorry. I'll protect you."
"Now, y'all can't back out- that's the fun! If you do, you'll be forced to sleep next to that person away from everyone else! Kirishima, you're up first!"
He gave a whoop and gave the bottle a spin. Everyone shrieked in delight when it landed on Kaminari.
"YES!" Jiro yelled. "He's a great kisser!"
Kaminari blushed, and him and Kirishima started making out. About ten seconds later, Kirishima pulled away.
"Damn, Earphone Jack was right."
"Okay, Bakugo! You're up next!" He grumbled and took the bottle. He really didn't care who it landed on, as long as it wasn't...
"DEKU!" Mina screamed, followed by cheers from everyone in the circle. Izuku, paralyzed with fear, couldn't move from his spot.
"You are NOT sleeping with him," Todoroki growled. Izuku modded, scared ad Todoroki's face. He moved to the middle of the circle, and Katsuki did as well. Everyone started screaming, and sweat poured down Deku's face.
To his surprise, Bakugo smashed his lips against Izuku's pulling him closer to his chest, fiercely dominating the green haired boy. Izuku couldn't do anything to fight back, and even kicking and screaming didn't work. Kirishima and Mina eventually had to wrestle Bakugo away from a terrified Izuku, and he ran back to Todoroki, crying.
"I-I-I'm so sorry! I tried to get away- I really did! I just couldn't- Kacchan wouldn't- he was so...I..." he started bawling and buried his face in Todoroki's shirt. Todoroki rubbed his back.
"It wasn't your fault," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. His breath was smoking thanks to the fierce chill coming off of his right side.
He stood up and walked over to Bakugo.
"I know you're pregnant, and I would kill you if you weren't. Don't you ever, ever touch my Izuku again, you filthy bastard."
"You wanna fight?" Bakugo challenged.
"Why yes," Todoroki replies, shifting into a fighting stance, fire biting off his left and ice hardening around his right.
"I do."

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