Chapter Seven

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           "Goodnight, Izuku."
           "Goodnight, Shoto."
            "I-I-I love you..."
             *kiss* "I love you too." Todoroki slipped his hand underneath Izuku's shirt like he did every night, and cupped the slight bulge tenderly. Every night since they found out the they were expecting, Todoroki insisted on sleeping next to Izuku, and his ever-growing belly, just to be closer to their child. Todoroki burried his face into Izuku's soft green hair, and rubbed his belly soothingly.
       Izuku hummed in approval, as he put his own hands over Todoroki's. They layed like that for a while, until they fell asleep. Todoroki has never slept better in his whole life than when he was beside the green-haired boy carrying his child.
        "Good morning Shoto!" Izuku sang. "I made your favorite- sunny side up eggs and bacon, c'mon, it's still hot!"
Shoto grinned, and stretched, stepping into the kitchen- he was greeted with the sight of a smiling Izuku already dressed in his uniform, wearing an apron, holding out a big plate of eggs and bacon.
"You're the best," Shoto whispered in Izuku's ear, causing him to blush a deep red. "Sit with me."
"I already ate!" Izuku said, still a bit red.
Todoroki pulled him by the hand and gently kissed his lips.
"But I'm lonely."
A flustered Deku, still not used to having his crush be this loving towards him- maybe it had to do with the baby, and maybe it didn't. Izuku honestly didn't care. Whatever brought him closer to his Shoto, he would do. And he meant anything.


"Good morning, everyone," Todoroki greeted, unusually happy.
"What happened to you?" Kirishima asked, gesturing to the boy.
"Izuku did," he said, pulling Deku closer by the collar of his shirt and kissing him deeply.
Deku yelped and ran towards his desk, trying to hide his head in one of his
Notebooks. Kaminari and Kirishima just laughed, and clapped Todoroki I'm the back.
"Make him happy, man!" Denki said, giving him the thumbs up.
Todoroki walked back to Midoriya's desk, and held his chin.
"I do hope you forgive me," he whispered, placing the softest kiss on his lips Izuku had ever felt. He gasped, and almost started crying again, but just then, the room seemed to quiet down.
"Okay, Todoroki-Kun, Midoriya-kun- if you're both satisfied, that would be QUITE enough!" Midnight laughed. Apparently, class had started while they were...busy...and they didn't notice.
Midoriya burst into tears, prompting Todoroki to start gushing him, which caused Ochaco to start crying, which led to Iida making furious band gestures at Iida, which Led to Asui trying to help Ochaco, and when she went to do that, Momo created a megaphone and threw it at Midnight.
"YA GONNA NEED IT!" Momo screamed, as Tokoyami feverishly tried to calm her down. Apparently her mood swings were almost as bad as Deku's.
Midnight gladly accepted it, and she soon had the class back in order.
"Okay, everyone- today we start our first lesson on parenting- the basics of pregnancy."
Groans were heard all around the classroom. Everyone was bored already.
"Okay, so as you all know, some of your pregnancies are going to be...abnormal."
This was gonna take a while...


"Shoto?" Izuku asked quietly on their way home from school.
"Yeah? What's going on? Are you okay?!"
Izuku started sniffling, which led to Todoroki panicking, and lifting Izuku into his arms.
"W-w-What if your dad doesn't want you me?" He chocked out, really crying at the end. Todoroki's blood ran cold.
Shoot. He hadn't even thought about that. His mind was so focused on Izuku he forgot all about his father.
"Well, I don't give a damn what he thinks. I love you and this baby more than I've ever loved anything, and if he doesn't accept that, then I'll refuse to be a Todoroki any longer. Shoto Midoriya...doesn't that sound better...?"
"Oh, Shoto!" Izuku cried, throwing his arms around his neck.
             "And mom...always said she wanted grandchildren..." he blushed. "Though, she probably didn't think I'D be the one carrying them. And that the most powerful student at the UA is it's father...I-I'm...just so're...such...*sob*...a...*sob*...
GOOD GUY!" He sobbed, hurrying his face in Todoroki's shirt. Todoroki kept shushing him, and managed the carry him all the way home.
              After having another amazing homemade dinner by Midoriya, they decided to watch a movie in the living room, which would give them some parenting tips.
             "I hope we learn something new!" Izuku beamed.
              Todoroki laughed and ruffled his hair, and turned the TV on.


        "Good morning, can anyone believe it's already been three months since the pregnancies started?"
           "Has it really been three months?" Deku whispered to Todoroki.
            "Best three months of my life," Todoroki confirmed. "He slipped his hand under Izuku's desk, and placed it on his stomach gently. "And we have THIS to prove it."
               Deku was starting to show. It was pretty noticeable for most of the girls, but the guys were showing way more. Todoroki wasn't complaining- he though Deku looked absolutely adorable, but he was sure that Deku felt insecure about his body.


                "Shoto, do I look fat?" Izuku whispered when they were in bed that night, tears starting to well up in his eyes.
Todoroki glided over to where Izuku was, and placed his hand over his stomach.
"You are growing a human being inside of your body- one that we will love and cherish, and spoil all we want. One that will feel the same love that I feel for you. Izuku, does that make you FAT? No, it makes you a miracle."

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