Chapter Four

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         Todoroki's eyes widened. He could have sworn he stopped breathing. His blood, even on his left side, ran cold. He couldn't speak, his mouth just gaping open like a goldfish in water. Midoriya couldn't stop sobbing, and he eventually transitioned into another fit of vomiting. That was enough to snap Todoroki out of his trance, as he started crying himself. He, once again, bent down to help Midoriya, but he Midoriya swatted his hand away.
         "WHY WOULD YOU HELP ME?!" He screamed. "WHY?! I'VE DONE NOTHING BUT CAUSE TROUBLE FOR YOU, AND I'M A STUPID IDIOT- WHAT DID WE DO AFTER I PASSED OUT LAST NIGHT?!" Blushing furiously, his eyes smarted and he went back to sobbing.
          Todoroki seemed to just then realize what he said.
         "WHAT?! NO! NO! NO- I- I DIDN'T- I WOULD NEVER- I-!" Todoroki stammered, blushing, hacking away from the retching Midoriya.
          "WELL-" He chocked out, "YOU. MUST'VE DONE SOMETHING!" He screamed, tears running down his face. "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! ANSWER ME!"
         This was a whole different side of Midoriya that Todoroki has never seen before. His eyes were dangerous- he looked like he could kill someone.
          Just then, Izuku started chocking on a piece of junk, and he stopped breathing. Todoroki, trying to act as quick as he could, started giving him the Heimlich, and the piece of food popped out, but he still wasn't waking up. Blood cold, Todoroki picked him up again, and sprinted towards the UA.


       "HEY!" Todoroki screed, trying to get someone's attention. Midoriya still hadn't woken up, and he was seriously starting to panic.
        "What's wrong with Deku?!" Uraraka screamed, rubbing towards them, Iida and Asui close behind.
         "I don't know!" Todoroki wailed, close to tears. He had caused this somehow- if he hadn't had him screaming like that, if he hadn't left him, Midoriya wouldn't be...
           The class was visibly shocked, never having seen Todoroki look so...broken. Momo ran over, already creating an oxygen mask and pressing it over Midoriya's lips, whispering soothing words in his ears, despite looking a bit under the weather herself.
           Mina and Sero were already running to get Recovery Girl, and Aizawa was there in a flash, along with Midnight, who looked awfully calm for some reason.
          "Todoroki-San," Aizawa started. "Please, let me see Midoriya-San."
           "NO!" Todoroki screamed, startling everyone in the group. "DON'T TOUCH HIM!"
            Even Aizawa was afraid to cross Todoroki, and he sprinted past everyone, running straight to Recovery Girl's office. Ice sliding out under him, he raced past Mina and Sero, and slammed the door open.
          "Something..." He started, panting. "SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH MY MIDORIYA!"


       Todoroki has been waiting in the office for over two hours. He had almost fallen asleep several times, but kept reminding himself that Midoriya needed him. Eventually, Recovery Girl came out from behind the curtain where Midoriya was resting.
        "He's going to be fine." She said, placing her hand on Todoroki's shoulder. Todoroki looked as though years of stress had faded away from his face.
        "Good," he breathed, close to tears. "Good."
          "He choked whiled vomiting, and his throat closed around another piece of debris struck in his throat- you're very lucky that Yaoyorozu-San had enough sense to give him the oxygen mask. And if you had gotten him here any slower...well, you did a very good job, Todoroki-San." She said.
           "Thank you," he breathed. "Can I see him? Please?!"
            Recovery Girl nodded, and held him back for one minute.
            "And congratulations."
            "MIDORIYA!" Todoroki yelled, racing towards his bed.
            "" Izuku whispered, reaching his hand out to stroke Todoroki's face.
             Todoroki gripped his hand, and a few tears fell out of his eyes. "The baby is okay," Izuku whispered. "Isn't that wonderful?"
              Todoroki could only nod, still not able to register what just happened. Midoriya, for some incredibly bizarre reason, was pregnant- he- THEY- were expecting a baby.
              "Yes," Todoroki whispered back, brushing Izuku's hair out of his face. "That's absolutely amazing."
               Izuku smiled, closing his eyes, and falling into a deep sleep. Todoroki fell asleep beside him, and stayed over the whole night. Recovery Girl usually didn't let this happen, but she decided to make an exception.
              "So," Aizawa started, peeking into the room. "My Midoriya?" He said, gesturing towards Todoroki.
              Recovery Girl just smiled. "It appears so. You did a good job pairing these two together. They're a perfect fit."
             Aizawa actually smiled. "Yes, I've know how Izuku Midoriya felt about Shoto Todoroki for a long time- it's rather obvious."
            "It's not going to be easy for them."
             "Well, if they want to be heros, they will have to face one of the hardest challenges in today's society. Not saving people, or beating up villains, or looking cool for the press- helping their own family, managing it, and growing from love from a partner. It's necessary for them to feel these things so they know what's it like for when they're ready for real. They need to find someone they can trust, like you and Mic."
             Aizawa grinned. "Yeah, sometimes I still don't understand why I married that goof in the first place. But, we're happier every day being heros, and we're hoping the adoption papers go through soon with Shinsou, and then we'll be all set. I hope these kids can hopefully find something special with these pairings- I put a lot of care into them. Especially these two." He nodded at Todoroki, fast asleep with his head resting on Midoriya's chest.
             "Yeah, they'll be fine."

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