Chapter Five

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          "G-g-good morning, Todoroki-San." Izuku started, waking up in Recovery Girl's office with Todoroki asleep on his chest. Todoroki groaned and mumbled a good morning, and Izuku thought it  was just about the cutest thing ever.
          "W-why are you here?" Izuku whispered. "I was horrible to you yesterday. I did some nasty things...a-and...a-assumed a few things..." he trailed off playing with his fingers.
            "I promise you, we did nothing intimate non our first night in the apartment, Izuku." Todoroki muttered, blushing, turning his head away from him.
              "Huh?" He asked, looking towards a flustered Todoroki.
                "I-Izuku," Todoroki stumbled. "I-I'm so sorry I left of your honorific, and used you first name, I wasn't supposed to; that was so rude I-"
               He was silenced when Izuku pulled him into a long, soft kiss. As soon as their lips met, Izuku knew there was nothing else he wanted in life other than to be right there forever.
              "I-I-I....I'M SO SORRY!" Izuku cried, running away to the door, trying to turn the handle but failing as Todoroki tackled him to the floor.
            "You're NOT running away from me anymore!" Todoroki screamed, his face wet with tears. "Please...don't leave me all alone again..."
             "Oh, Shoto-kun..."
             "Just Shoto. Please. And my I call you Izuku?"
              "Of course."
              "Oh shoot, I'm such an idiot! Did you land on your stomach?! Is the baby okay?!" Todoroki panicked.
              "I'm fine- I broke my fall with my hands. I'll have Recovery Girl give o-o-our b-b-Baby one last look..." Izuku said, face growing redder by each word. Todoroki couldn't help smirking.
              "Makes us sound like we're a couple, huh?" Todoroki teased, his fingers gripping Izuku's chin.
              "It's Shoto, isn't it?"
               And with that, Todoroki was the one who instigated the kiss, but this time it was full of love and passion. Izuku closed his eyes, and get as though he was drowning in happiness. Todoroki broke the kiss, earning a pout from Deku.
              "Now, now- as much as I would LOVE to keep this going-" (Cue red-faced Midoriya hiding behind his hands) "Class starts in about five minutes, and Recovery Girl never gave us an excused absence. Besides...I think Midnight owes us an apology."
                Izuku nodded, and realized he was in a hospital gown. "Oh, man- I left my uniform in our apartment!" He groaned, flopping back onto the bed. Todoroki, who had an idea, sprinted into the hallway, yelling, "I'll be right back!"
             Todoroki ran down the crowded hallway looking for Momo Yaoyorozu. When he finally found her, he was out of breath, and panting. Momo looked at him with concern.
             "How's Midoriya-San?" She asked, obviously worried.
             "He's fine," Todoroki explained. "But we need you to create us a uniform."
               After explaining what was happening, Momo like Tokoyami, who was walking her to class, know what was happening. Todoroki gave him a thumbs up behind Momo's back. Momo gave Todoroki the uniform, and he thanked her hurriedly, running back to Midoriya's room.


           "MIDNIGHT!" Kirishima yelled. "YOU BROKE BAKUGO!"
            The class doubled over in laughter, and Midnight stood at the board with a smirk on her face.
             "I didn't break anyone," she started, finally about to explain herself. "My quirk, thanks to the principle, is now quite similar to Yaoyorozu's. But instead of creating objects, I can create..."
               Everyone's faces paled as the realization struck them.
               "People. Inside of another person, in fact! Pregnant! Basically, I can make people pregnant without..." she trailed off, leaving a very flustered and red-faced class 1-A.
               "So, shall we found out who the lucky carriers are?" Midnight sang. "Well then, they are...
Midoriya and Todoroki
Iida and Uraraka
Jiro and Kaminari
Bakugo and Kirishima
Sero and Mina
Momo and Tokoyami
Asui and Koda
Ojiro and Hagakure
Sato and Shoji!
Congratulations! Your baby is obviously a combined version of the parents, and quirks will be passed down accordingly. For example, Iida-kun? Uraraka-Chan? Your baby might have levitation as their quirk. Speed running and zero gravity combined!"
"That's a relief!" Kaminari yelled. "I heard about Midoriya from Recovery Girl...I though him and Todoroki got REAL friendly last night!"
The whole class whistled, and Izuku was completely red. "NO!! I-I-DIDN'T-WE DIDN'T-I-NO!"
"Hey Todoroki- your face is looking a little more red than normal, eh?" Sero teased.
"S-shut up," Todoroki muttered, which only prompted more laughter.
"DON'T TALK ABOUT IZUKU LIKE THAT!" He screamed, blasting ice at everyone in the room, and shielding Izuku behind him.
"Shoto, please stop!" Izuku cried. He burst into tears, prompting Todoroki to see reason, and melt all of the ice. He picked up Izuku and rocked him gently until he curled into his chest and fell asleep, exhausted. The girls weren't the only one suffering from hormonal change. Deku seemed to cry at everything- even more than usual.
"SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Uraraka squealed, dubbing over to them. "Congratulations, guys!! Oh, you guys are so CUTE!! Okay, seriously, what's the ship name? Tododeku? Dekuroki?! I'm making a T-shirt!! (Lol Uraraka is me XD)
"Congratulations, Todoroki-Chan, ribbit," Asui said. "He's a good friend- take care of him," Iida chimed in.
"Of course," Todoroki replied. "I will protect him, and our child with my life."

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