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A/N 2021: Old book I wrote. I came back after seeing a shit ton of comments. Ruins the surprise but whatever, better than being accused of shit I didn't do.

No she doesn't end up with a guy. It isn't queer baiting. I don't queer bait. I tried doing a fakeout.

Also yes, if you see this update, no you don't. I'm once again on hiatus kek. Between a breakup, cutting friendships, school projects, actually being hired for an industry documentary project, I have too much on my plate to keep writing.

I might be back someday, just not today.

Cheers, and nostalgically,
Euphie <3

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A/N: A word of caution. Do not read this book if you:

1. Do not like gory descriptions and squirm at the mere thought of violence.

2. Dislike an openly antagonistic (duh) chaotic evil-ish MC.

3. Cringe at morally questionable choices the MC might make.

4. Do not like romance.

5. Are in any way uncomfortable with smut between consenting adults (Which by the guidelines, is 16 & above) which can include gay/lesbian scenes. (Don't worry, I'll leave a warning before any of these chapters for those who want to be 'pure'.)

6. Do not like reading.

7. Are not into LGBT. I mentioned this in my tags as girlxgirl and if you are not into that, I suggest you skip this book. I already mentioned this in point 5 but since it isn't too obvious, I will reiterate it again, in the book, there will be plenty of LGBT characters. Do not read on if you are not okay with that.

Read at your discretion. And if you do—Enjoy.



Capital punishment, a cold, heartless little thing. It cared not what you felt nor how you begged and grovelled for your pitiful life.

If you killed, likewise, be prepared to be killed. If one couldn't bear the weight of such words, then the occupation of serial killer would not be that good a match.

The room was white, brightly lit unlike the gallows of yore, or the dungeon in kingdoms' basements where serfs and criminals slowly awaited the reaper's scythe in medieval times.

The executioners were dressed for the occasion—In full black.

I, Artemis Blythe, would be the last person sentenced to death. After me, the maximum punishment for any given crime, would be life and no more. The unethical nature of capital punishment, ethics argued, was one of more primitive, hooligan-like behaviour.

Living in a modern society, where acceptance was pervasive, required almost, to have the mentality of 'an eye for an eye' or 'tit for tat', was rather excessive and unethical.

By killing a murderer, that was hypocrisy at its finest. The act of killing someone could be considered legal simply because the government had sanctioned it.


I was charged with 30 murders.

A pitiful number, especially when it wasn't even a modicum of the true number. Of course, I would only confess to the kills they had evidence of. As for those that remained in the shadows, they were better left unsaid.

Yet, despite my best efforts to avoid the death sentence, it was exactly what had been granted to me.

"Oh poor kindred soul, rest eas—"

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