My Name is Artemis Blythe

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Some might say too quick.

While I would have loved to stay behind for years on end torturing them till the day their souls gave up on the concept of living, I had far more pressing concerns on my mind, preventing me from soaking in the enjoyment of torture.

Besides, I had made a promise to myself—No more killing, no more hurting anything unless it was necessary.

I had a far more bigger issue to worry about: Charlotte.

Deumtra said the world would lose magic but I had no idea how it would affect anything and god help me if Charlotte was hurt in any way I would regret it till the day I died.

The moment the last vestige of life left him, this room faded away, giving way to the sight of an apartment building. Through the window, I saw a city, a beautiful one.

It resembled...Earth. My old home. Only...It was the older version. Back before all the wars, just after the advent of mobile phones.

The year 2025.

Standing before me was a woman. Raven black hair and alluring emerald eyes peering deep into my soul.


I was pushed to the ground, engulfed in a tight embrace and packed with affection as her soft lips pushed onto mine,"You're back." She mumbled out as we sat up on the grass.

"Mm. There's...Something I need to tell y—"

"I know," She let out a tiny bell-like giggle,"Deumtra told me," Her head lowered to my abdomen,"Can you hear me?"

This was, in a sense, a 'happy beginning' for me.


Dear diary,

Today was my birthday! Mama and mummy took me out to eat ice-cream and a burger! I love them very much and I want to become big and pretty just like them!

Mama has very pretty white hair...I wonder if my hair will be as pretty as hers! Maybe that's why mummy loves her so much. Mummy says if I work hard, I will definitely find someone who will love me as much as she loves mama!

I need to work hard so that mummy and mama don't need to worry about me anymore!


"Can you believe it? Nine years old and the little lady wants a husband already."

"What's wrong with that huh? I want at least one grandkid and she's my only hope!" Charlotte exclaimed,"Besides, don't you want grandkids too?"

"Well..." I wanted to dodge the question because to be honest, I had a split opinion. On one had, I did want grandchildren but on the other hand, I hated the fact that any man could snatch her away from me.

But, that was fine. I had nine more years to keep her to myself and I was going to treasure it.

Then, Charlotte unleashed her ultimate weapon that seemed to make everything else pale in comparison: Puppy-dog eyes paired with a really cute yet pathetic 'Pweeease?'

I sighed in defeat,"It's too early to think of this now," I entered Agnes' room quietly and placed the book exactly how I found it,"She's just nine."

"It seemed like a second ago, she was nine months away. Now she's nine years old. Time really flies, huh?" Charlotte mumbled,"Sleep well baby." She caressed Agnes' forehead, planting a kiss on it.

"Now I'm jealous of her," I grumbled as we made our way to the bedroom. It was almost midnight,"Ever since you started going to that Scrabble meet, I've nothing to do and you always leave me alone—Woah!"

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