We'll Chat Later in Hell

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I had noticed what appeared to be large containers of blood-like liquid made of translucent metallic compound lining bits of the robot. My reasoning was that this would be the fuel of the robot and if I could take them all out, then the robot would obviously have no way to power itself.

Now the question remained of what the hell that liquid was but that was better left to when I wasn't actively trying not to die.

As for the plan, it was simple—

I rushed for the biggest container located directly at the centre of the automaton's chest and gave a smug smirk. The man inside obviously caught sight of this as he controlled the automaton's arms, immediately honing in on me.

Unfortunately, my speed enabled me to escape at the last possible moment, the arm colliding with that container of blood, spilling all of it onto the floor,"ARRRGH! YOU MERE ANT DARE TRICK ME? YOU DESERVE DEATH!"


Jackpot! I thought to myself, cackling heartily as I quickly escaped the oncoming barrage of flames that shot from small slots on the entire body of the machine with a mighty flap of my wings,"Ooh boy! Careful with fire you hunk of metal! You'll burn yourself!" I licked my lips as euphoria for landing my first decisive hit on it.

I had regained some semblance of control and that was all it took. For once you got a grasp of things and felt the thrum of battle in your veins, it would be like a snowball effect.

The hunt, was on.

For now, I landed with a dull thud, catching my breath as I panted heavily, sweat pouring down my body profusely. Flying, was extremely taxing on the mind and body as it was basically sprinting at full speed while your legs were partially numb. This was because wings were like a second pair of limbs. I'd only used it once prior and that was simply to dive down with a flap or two.

However, as if it possessed a life of its own, the blood shot towards me like a giant tidal wave of sanguine.
"Damn!" No matter how I dodged, the wave followed me like a damned fly, refusing to buck off. So, I resorted to tit-for-tat and turned around to face it only to find it slowly coalescing into a smooth red actinoid gem before my very eyes,"This is? Oh shit!"

97 lives remaining.

My moment of being entranced let to swift death but just after I'd managed to store the gem.

Blood magic and spirit magic fused together. I've never seen anything like th—

"Cut the crap. Main point." I hissed as I kept the star-shaped gem, dodging back with quick speed to avoid being crushed like before, taking to the skies as homing missile-like projectiles shot towards me. I led the projectiles on a wild goose chase, eventually managing to send them careening straight into the other containers, more blood spilling towards the floor as the giant machine staggered back from the force of its own weapons.

However, the blood remained as such until I landed and actually made contact with it. Only then did coalesced before me into the gems I quickly kept before buzzing off the automaton's foot rapidly crushed down on where I'd been just a moment prior, a smoking crater in its place.

The robot, while appearing bulky, had both might and speed that, had it not been for this unique power of mine, would've been impossible to knock back and dodge which would have rather rapidly and axiomatically led to my eventual death.

Amalgamations of dead souls bound by their blood. Kosmimarians are descendants of the ancient titan, Gaius, who ruled over the earth. This blood is nearly as pure as the original progeni—

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