A Test

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"Grasping vines!" The man yelled out as my fist shot out at breakneck speed. The vines restrained my fist for a few moments before snapping under my strength, my fist barrelling straight towards his head.


Like a watermelon being struck by a sledgehammer, the old man's head exploded with violent force, skull, blood and brain matter like sloppy shrapnel splashing everywhere.

I took advantage of the soldiers' shock and launched a volley of punches at their heads, making quick work of the small group of ten.

I saw the lecherous intent in the old man's eyes. That alone was enough for me to kill them. Furthermore, I needed clothes.

Walking over to the stream I was following, I cleaned myself of the fresh blood and dressed myself in the best fitting clothes. It was still a little saggy but much better than being naked. I put on a pair of socks and boots and stood up.

Stretching, I walked over to the remaining corpses and ransacked everything from their pockets.

A few copper coins and some charms were all I found in the soldiers' pockets alongside their swords while the supposed magister held a little more.

Five gold coins, a vermillion red crystal and a few strange looking subfusc stones radiating a cooling aura.

Pocketing everything of value, I continued downstream until—

"Jackpot." I had finally left the forest for good.

Before me was a large expanse and, by pure chance, a merchant convoy of several caravans passing by.

I summoned the corpse of the tiger and owl, piling both on my shoulders as I walked towards them, hollering,"Hey! Stop!"

"Halt!" The coachmen pulled on the reins of the muscular horses with golden manes, the convoy stopping as two of the guards approached me,"You are?"

"Ah, I'm hoping to sell these two beasts I hunted!" I motioned with my head.

"Ah? A Savage Liger and Glacier Owl! Young lady, you must have quite a bit of skill and courage to dare to enter the forest of quietus!" One of the guards spoke as they led me to the convoy where a plump man that resembled a man of Chinese descent back on Earth.

He was dressed in what seemed like linen and silk, a jovial smile on his face, a fan in his hand blowing wind towards his sweaty complexion,"This young lady is?"

"Artemis. Artemis Blythe." I greeted politely as I set down the corpses,"You are?"

"This one is called Orthello Smoak. I am a merchant under the Golden Heavens Trading Company! I say Miss Blythe, you have hunted quite the rare specimens!" He answered cordially, expressing his intent to buy the corpses,"For us to meet while I am on my way to Juniper City, it must be fate!"

Ah! A name!

I played it cool,"I can give the tiger for free, actually. All I wish is for passage to Juniper City. I actually got lost in the forest for a few days you see? The Glacier Owl I can sell to you if you like." I faked confidence, not wanting him to realise I knew little about the value of the beasts

I'll have to do some research on the market prices when I reach the city. After pampering myself like a queen, that is.

His eyes gleamed, understanding my intent to start a friendship,"Then," He raised five fingers,"Five gold and passage to Juniper for the glacier owl and liger."

I shook my head,"Friend, I might be a little dull but I know five gold is far from worth the owl. I had to exert a bit of mana to kill the owl, you know?" He was still testing me. I could read his eyes. They held curiosity and suspicion.

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