First Form

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Enjoy the double upload. I'm typing out the next one right now and I might release it later tonight!

Cracking my knuckles and neck, I let go of my control over the bodies. It was a rather effective in traumatising the mind. Imagine: A shower of bodies of your own comrades, faces etched in abject fear as they plummeted from the skies, lifelessly making contact with the floor.

It wasn't just a hunt. It was a precaution. Fighting against 1-on-1 with a rank 5 was no joke. Just like that old man in the forest of quietus, I had merely gotten the jump on an arrogant character who believed no one could take him down even. If anyone decided to jump in, who knew what the hell would happen.

His hubris was his downfall. Simple as that.

Even if my methods were underhanded, unsavoury or not exactly the most righteous of behaviours—I couldn't give less of a fuck.


I stared down at my wrists.

I had killed the equivalent of exactly 3,427 people.

I invested 1,400 lives into strength, another 1,000 into lives and 1,024 into speed.

So in the end, I had 2 blue and 40 red triangles, 1 green dash and a blue dash and a blue and 94 red moons with a remainder of 3 lives.

The strength of 240 men, the speed of 194 and 110 lives.

If this wasn't enough to deal with a rank 5–I had no idea what it would take.

That woman whom I had overheard was called, Lilith, screamed,"SANGUINE BATTLEFIELD!"

In the blink of an eye, the terrain around us had turned to rivers of blood as hundreds upon thousands of spears formed from coagulated blood pointed at me from all directions.

With a ruthless gaze and sadistic grin, she spoke one word.


Son of a—


109 lives remaining.


108 lives remaining.

Each strike came down swifter and with more force than the last.

107 lives remaining.

She wanted to end this quick, that was for sure.

106 lives remaining.

The agonising pain pent up within, my jawbone having shattered to the point of not being able to scream.

...75 lives remaining.

I could only lie helplessly as the spears rained down for what seemed like eternity. The rage and frustration within me boiling. Every attempt to move led to immediate resistance and death.

...43 lives remaining.

But alas, she was getting weaker. I could feel it. I chuckled internally to myself. I had to bide my time. Wait for the opportune moment.

...19 lives remaining.

Close. It was so very, tantalisingly close. It would be time to strike soon.

...7 lives remaining.

Investing the final 3 lives back into my extra lives, I found that the rain of spears had stopped.

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