Lord of the Skies!

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Last night's happenings were a haze to me, obscured. I vaguely remembered screaming, shouting, flying and frenzied fights. Whatever happened, it had seemed to help me calm down. Unfortunately, I was in a rather shitty state emotionally speaking.

"Uurgh!" I retched, yesterday's meal slopped noisily against the dirt as I gagged before catching my breath,"What the hell happened?"

I smelled my clothes. Alcohol. Like anyone down in the dumps back on the earth that had ceased to exist, I had unconsciously turned to drinking my sorrows away. Typical and very much pathetic.

My head had a piercing ring accompanying the striking headache the sun's glare brought as I retched again, more of lunch appearing on the floor, a semi-digested mess.

Unfortunately, unlike other stories I had been keen on reading in the past, there was no kindhearted soul to save and nurse me back to health. No, the world just was simply far too cruel for that. Peasant families could barely support themselves, let alone some random stranger whom they knew nothing of. This, magnified by the fact that they lacked proper education and were terrified by magic, would most likely put any peasant off from ever getting near me.

My eyelids drooped, threatening to shut at any moment as I staggered into a tree, making me hiss in dulled pain as my wounds worsened a little. I wish I had aspirin or whatever which could rid me of this ungodly pain.

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"Sick...urrgh! Fucker!" I cursed at him venomously as the dazedness and state of torpor I was in slowly got better. The prick had clearly seen this coming and had even mocked me before trying to help me now.

Oh come on, if it were any person other than you, you'd be laughing with me! Don't be a sore spoilsport just because you lost the draw this time round.

I gargled my mouth with water to get rid of the foul taste of vomit and quickly washed myself off, putting on presentable attire,"You've been officially demoted back down to Bob." I spoke curtly, not wishing to bother with the prick any further.

Oh come on! Don't—

"Just—Shut the fuck up for a bit yeah? Or I'm going to go and end this fun game of yours and directly kill him now," I let out a small breath as I interrupted him,"I'm not in the mood for games right now. And I'm definitely not in the mood to talk to you. So shut the hell up and fuck off back to him and leave me alone for a bit."

Silence. I needed silence. Quiet. Time to collect my thoughts. Reflect. Think. And ensure I wouldn't make the idiotic mistakes twice.

"Inquirer. How many lives' worth do I have?"

[13,100's worth of human mortal lives. However, you sacrificed over 2,000 lives from your speed in that gamble of yours.]

"Put 2,000 back into speed. 100 back in lives, leaving me 11,000. 1,000 more into lives. 5,000 into speed, 5,000 into strength."

In an instant the marks on my body rose. 20 blue marks and a red mark. 11 blue moons and triangles on my wrists respectively. Yet, as I looked down this rise in power, I couldn't feel any joy I previously felt.
(A/N: A small reminder: blue marks represent 10 lives while the other two represent 100.)

On my left arm, beside the other tattoos of victory, a tattoo of a serpent with two arms, in one, a lance sparking with electricity in the other, strings connected to a puppet manipulating waves. The serpent holding a purple orb between its jaws which were lined with serrated teeth. It was symbolic of the six I had defeated with my imprint.

After several minutes' silence, I had finally regained  my inner tranquil. After experiencing some of life's disappointments, it was a little trait I treasured, to not let things get me down after a period of time passed.

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