Pooling Desires (2/2)

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"Haaah haaah ha..." Drool dripped from the sides of her mouth, the ghostly trail of tears pooled at the corner of her eyes as I removed the cuffs from her wrists.

She collapsed onto the bed, completely spent. Her body was probably sore from my devious acts,"That was...Too much..."

I laid down beside her, cuddling close,"But you liked it, didn't you? Is it too much for me to want to have your everything?" Though I was teasing, I truly felt as if I were in seventh heaven. Not from just lusty, physical pleasure but emotional catharsis.

Having someone, a first-timer no less, trust you enough to let you vent nearly three year's worth of pent-up frustration in the span of a single night made me feel as if I had accomplished something momentous, especially as it was Artemis we were talking about.

Not going to lie, she was a good kisser but terrible at intercourse. It was expected of a first-timer but for me, it was good enough seeing those lewd emotions on her blushing face and hearing her sweet moans.

"S-Shut up. You could have been gentler. I haven't done this before and you just go full-on demon mode! How else was I supposed to react?"

"I think I deserve something after nearly three years, no?"

"At least take me to dinn—" She froze before sighing, the reason unbeknownst to me,"Never mind."

I traced little shapes on her arm absentmindedly, not paying too much attention to what my mouth was currently spouting,"I'm sorry it's just—"

"No—It's...Fine. I understand. Besides, I suppose it kinda felt good."

Hearing her reply, I giggled,"Round 23 then?"

She deflated immediately,"God no. No more today. I don't think I can take much more."

I poked her cheek,"Alright then, I'll be more gentle next time so you'll last longer."


We laid there, quietly, not a single word exchanged between us, simply enjoying each other's company. It was the minutiae of life that made it worth living, was it not?

Only after nearly half an hour did Artemis break the silence,"Charlie..."


"I...I originally wasn't sure about this but I think I am now."

I was confused at the vague wording,"What are you trying to say?"

"I—Ah never mind. You'll find out tomorrow."

"Wuh—What? No! You can't just leave me hanging like that woman! Tell me what you want to say!" I shook her repeatedly, my mind desperately wanting to know what she wanted to say to me.

"What do I get in return?"

"What do you want in return?"

"Okay. I'll tell you. But you need to give me your most honest answer when I ask you a question later, alright?"

"Okay." I promised enthusiastically, eager to know.

"I suppose the best place to start is my past. Just like you, I'm hiding a secret past. I'm going to sound batshit insane in a moment so stay with me."

She spoke softly, caressing my hair as we sat up a little, supported by the headboard,"To be honest, I'm a dead person. In fact, I've died thousands of times over."

"Dead?" I let out a laugh,"How can you be dead? You're clearly alive right now."

"I'll get to that. But first, how I got here. I come from a place called Earth. The skies are blue, clouds are white."

"What's it like?"

"I don't think you'd like it there. Perhaps if it was before the world descended into war, it might be more enjoyable. But, in that world, only humans existed. No fiends, beastials and such. But humans are humans, right? We fight. It escalated to a point where the world was destroyed. At least I can say nothing of value there was lost."

"Then, what about your parents? Aren't you—"

"Oh them? Well, my mother passed away from an incurable sickness and my father, in his sorrow, ended up suiciding. So, I'm an orphan. Back on earth, I was rather fragile as a kid, mentally and physically speaking. Because of that, I dated a guy who made me feel as if I was one of those damsels who had finally found her prince. But, he broke my heart instead. It's the little things like that that build up to a point where everything just boils over. So, when I turned 24 or so, I began killing. Mind you, magic didn't exist it my world. It was only in the minds of people, imagination. I used my own two hands and smarts to kill them. For my sick pleasure, that is."

"That man who broke your heart—"

"Is dead. He died along with the rest of the world. I don't blame him for what he did. He was just a child like me, immature. Besides, it's all in the past now. No need to get hung up too much on things."

"But still—" I was cut of once again and stopped pressing the matter, knowing it was probably painful for her to retell this to me, reliving her past traumas.

"—Anyway, I was caught in the midst of a murder and sentenced to death. And I was revived by a very strange God. He gave me two powers. The first power allowed me to grow stronger the more I killed. The second, allowed me to essentially cheat death."

"Is that how—"

"Mm. During that fight with that aqua regia, I died nine hundred and ninety-eight times in total," She sucked in a deep breath, clearly shaken. Despite it having been years since that fight, we still daren't use that medallion.

"Does it hurt to die?" I asked, the curiosity in me burning.

"You'd be surprised," She chuckled softly, resting my chin on top of her head,"The pain of dying always catches you off-guard. Even if I'm accustomed to pain." Her hands silently held mine as I listened on.

"Why is life so unfair?"


"Why does it always treat the good people badly and reward the bad people?"

"C, I'm not a good person. Far from it. I am fully aware that I am as far from being good as I can be. It's something I take pride in, actually."

"You're a good person in my eyes. Everyone else's opinions don't matter."

She chuckled lowly,"Funny you should mention that."


A box appeared in her hands, one she passed to me before saying,"Don't open it yet."

I held the box. It was made from kinda of reddish wood, no visible engravings on it. I squinted, as if hoping I would be able to see what was inside.

"When you open that box, you'll find something very important. I actually wanted to do this earlier but I hesitated." She got off the bed, undergarments and a black dress appearing back on her.

"If you decide to answer yes, please find me tomorrow at the Grand Hall."

"What are yo—" In an instant, a gust of wind blew, making me look away for a split second, enough for her to disappear entirely.

I shook my head,"Just what's up with her?"

Turning my attention to the box, I opened it up.

My heart skipped a beat then as within it sat a ring and a card.

A card that said the following words:

Marry Me?

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