Limbs Aren't My Only Assets

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"FIGHT!" Despite the proclamation of the beginning of the fight, neither of us had made a single move, simply peering at one another intently, like wolves stalking their prey, waiting for the most opportune moment to strike.

We circled the cage methodically as he opened his mouth to chat,"War God Artemis, fifty rounds undefeated. Yet, not a trace of exhaustion to be found. I'm curious, just what kind of stamina and strength could make an ordinary mortal stronger than most rank two magisters."

I kept quiet, regulating my breathing as I continued to circle him, licking my lips. This was it. Finally, an opponent worthy of hunting. But there was this nagging feeling. Something was off.

Despite my gut telling me something was up, I shook it off, thinking it was my nerves getting too jittery. I'd nearly doubled my kill count back on earth in a single night.

Despite his casual and relaxed demeanour, his guard was up, muscles tense, like a crouched tiger, ready to strike at a moment's notice. Each second ticked by slowly as the tension continued to heighten.

The first blow was crucial. It would start the fight. To deliver an impactful first strike on the opponent, it would subconsciously affect the mental state of the fighter whilst giving valued momentum to unleash a chain of attacks.

"Not much of a talker, are you? Well, I suppose I shall be striking first then. Electrified armour," With a simple wave of his hand, purple sparks shot out from his pores, covering every inch of his body until what remained was a faceless purple mass that vaguely resembled a human,"Keening Lightning."

As the lightning rushed me, the sound of wailing and screeching had momentarily caught me off guard, allowing the lightning to graze my neck. It was a probing attack. It wouldn't have killed me but it would have definitely incapacitated me, allowing him to pile even more attacks. Pain racked my body as my eyes narrowed, wary of him attacking repeatedly.

"The Electric Monarch has drawn first blood from Artemis in fifty-one fights with a stunning first strike!"

Right now, I had come to terms with my glaring issue. My predicament was similar to the glacier owl's, a beast I had killed in the forest of quietus: I was a glass cannon. My attacks were powerful but my defence was rock bottom. Had it not been for having multiple lives, I would've died long before leaving the forest.

No matter.

I grinned. Sadistically.

A rush of adrenaline shot through my veins, supercharging my mind as a twinge of euphoria took root. I sniffed the coppery scent of blood in the air as my eyes narrowed in excitement. This was it! This was the first true hunt I would have! A fight that would end in the death of one of us! Merely now, time would be the only way to tell who the hunter and hunted were.

He rushed towards me, conjuring a sword of lightning and metal, his expression unknown to me, masked by streaks of purplish lightning.

I steadied myself and summoned a dagger to my hand. To touch his armour, it would be akin to asking for death.

Dodging under his horizontal sweep, my arms moved swiftly, sending the dagger careening straight into his back as I let go of the handle, pushing it towards him with all my might whilst using the inertia to send myself flying forward and far away from him before he could counter.

"Worthy." I whispered just loud enough for him to hear as we traded sides.

He staggered back as he pulled out the dagger, the armour completely dissipating as a mere cut on his shirt appeared. A mixture of shock and surprise filled his eyes,"Dissipating a rank three defensive spell just like that? What terrifying strength you have miss," Unlike the rest who had unintentionally thought I was a man, he had heard my whisper and caught on,"It appears water cannot douse this flame. I can only hope that a fire I start can devour it."

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