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I fiddled around with the silver blade in my hand, drawing a slither of red from my index as I stared at the walls of darkness, only a few plants to keep me company and a small gap in the ceiling to let light in.


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"Annette..." I mumbled under my breath. I had run away from home when I was younger, being saved by my now master: Maximilian Dali, principal of the Academy of Magisters. (A/N: If you're wondering who Annette refers to, you could either wait or re-read the first chapter.)

I was a rank five magister, having shot through the ranks at a speed 'never seen before' as my master put it.

Despite my apparent talent, I was currently confined. Punished. Because of my identity, I couldn't head home to see my little sister, Annette. However, my master had sent people to protect her, giving me peace of mind. As for my deadbeat parents, I couldn't care less.

However, my master had informed me that she was captured by unknown assailants and her whereabouts were uncertain. Hearing this, I went a little berserk and having nearly destroyed the academy and severely injuring several teachers and students. My master stepped in with the might of a rank 7 and immediately subdued me, promising he would personally find my sister but that he couldn't risk me going about wantonly destroying everything and thus, confined me to this room.

It had been a over a month spent in absolute silence until—

The door creaked open, the familiar face of my master greeting me with a plate of food as he led me out.

"My sister?"

"Worry about her later. Eat."

"I can't—"

"Eat. That is an order." He commanded, the pressure of a rank 7 boring down on me.

Begrudgingly, I bit down on a freshly baked bun with red bean filling. Normally, I would've savoured it. But today was not such a day.

He led me to his study and made me sit,"I have good news and bad news regarding your sister. Pick."

"Good news."

"She's alive." A wave of relief rushed over me as that burden that had weighed heavily on me was lifted off my chest.

"Bad news?"

"We can't locate her. I got my old friend Darcy from the Darleen kingdom, your good friend Yue's master, to try and divine her location but he received a powerful backlash.

I raised a surprised brow,"Lord Darcy? Even he couldn't? How can this be?"

He put up three fingers,"I can only think of three possible solutions: One, she is stronger than Darcy. To rise from a mortal to outshine a rank 5 magister in the span of about five weeks is impossible so we can rule this out."

"Two, she is located in some place that is heavily fortified against divining magics and precognition magics. The only place I can think of is Skyfall Castle, where Sir Xavier Alexander resides. But this option is even more unlikely."

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