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It was time to ascend.

Time to leave behind this world and move onto the next, where far more treasures and dangers lay beneath, awaiting.

My body was growing larger and larger by the second, doubling in size in a matter of minutes as I encompassed the entire country Juniper was located in before doubling once more, covering even more area.

In a matter of minutes, I had expanded to the size of a continent. My vision had expanded, allowing to see far more than I could in human form, power filling every fibre of my being.

Condense...I need to condense my mana...

I didn't know why, it felt as if something compelled me to do so. As my power condensed, my body size rapidly shrunk. An invisible force knocked my from my body, a sense of otherness shooting through me as I viewed my body from a third person's perspective, my life flashing before my eyes.

Aren't her eyes so cute, love? Look at them, they're shining like moons.

Let's call her Artemis then.


Mm. Artemis, Goddess of the Moon.

She's going do amazing things. I can feel it in my soul, love.

She's our baby girl after.

I wanted to call out, but realised I had no mouth.

Wanted to reach out, realised I had no arms.

Wanted to move, realised I had no body. Only able to helplessly watching as they vanished from my eyes, replaced by another memory.

I found myself peeking from the stairs, staring at a quiet scene between my mum and dad. Mum was hugging him tenderly, like long-lost lovers finally meeting and rekindling their love.

The doctors said it was Orloc's Syndrome. It's nearing its final stage.

Oh gods...This can't be. Eve, oh gods Eve, how could you have gotten Orloc's syndrome? What am I going to do without you? What's our daughter going to do without you?

There's still hope Riley. We've heard those miracles, right? Those people that...Manage to survive.

Right...Right...You'll survive. I know it Eve. You've always been strong.

I'll be at the hospital. Do you think...

I can take care of our Arty. You focus on yourself, alright? Lord knows what I'll do without you...

Promise you'll visit?

I promise, love. I promise.

The scene changed, fading to black before forming once more. It was a hospital room.

There I was, sitting in the arms of a frail looking woman. My mother. It was apparent to anyone she was deathly ill.

Yet, on her face, sat the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. A smile that never ceased to take my breath away.

'Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!' The prince cried to the beautiful lass who sat atop the lonely tower, hair longer than the streams of rivers, eyes clearer than blue skies, smile brighter than a thousand suns.

Luscious locks of hair dropped from the tower, letting the prince ascend. As he reached the top, she was staring at him, love evident in her eyes...

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