A Little Mayhem

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"Fooo," I blew wisps of smoke from my mouth,"This chikik's really not bad. I can see why people like it so much."

You're really not angry anymore?

A doubtful voice sounded, a tinge of disappointment lacing it I managed to catch.

"Heh," I took another puff from my pipe as soft smooth jazz played through my earphones,"I'm not one to dwell on things for too long. Far too many disappointments in life to cry over. 'Sides, it's just one tiny hiccup. A day or two of overreacting's more than enough to cure it. I've got more things to worry about anyway."

Like what? All I've seen you today is kill and smoke.

"I've got to do a little bit of grinding. I've come to the realisation that the number of souls I've collected so far is far from sufficient. So, I'm going to start some trouble. Though I'm not too sure if my actions' gonna kick up Quarvantcoatl. How much do I have right now?"

3,576 souls totalled. Why?

"That little? I would've thought 5,000 at least," I groaned,"This feels like playing Final Fantasy and power-grinding all over again. I'm bored." Putting away the pipe, I tossed a mana stone into the air and caught it with my mouth, crunching down. The gluttony imprint glowed for a moment as I swallowed the now soft and sweet liquified stone.

Would you like to hear about your little rival?


He's been making good progress actually. He probably has enough power to match you at that time you beat that tiger and bear.

"Long way to go but not bad. Is my progress fast or is his slow? Ah, break's up." I broke into a light jog and dashed through the forest and began clearing out the animals. Birds, squirrels, deer, elk, bears—Anything really.

I'll be honest, even with my aid, I expected both of you to be at rank 1 at most. He actually reached my expectations merely, a freak like you takes to this world like a duck to water. Oh, there's a magister up ahead.

My eyes narrowed on a male. Twenty something, rank 1. He hadn't even seemed to notice my presence as I slammed into him, killing him in an instant as I collected his corpse and continued on my way, never breaking to stop,"More humans around?" I furrowed my brows as I saw seven of them scattered around the forest, seemingly searching for something,"Oh well, might as well kill 'em."

Swiftly following my routine of kill and store, I cleared out six of the seven when I heard the last one shout,"Guys! I found the fruit! Guys? Wh—"

I wrested the fruit from his hand and with a quick crush of his windpipe, ended the young man's life. Looking at the fruit in my hand, I frowned,"The hell's this thing?" It resembled a peach in some aspects whilst its colour was of a sky blue shade.

Ah, a fruit of affinity. Rare fruits borne from the conglomeration of mana underground. They raise affinity and sell for about 10,000 mana stones each and are valued for their powers to raise affinity even after rank 2.

"What a steal," I chuckled, crunching down on the peach after washing it as I continued my 'farming' of souls,"Mm, sweet."

Having spent nearly six hours straight grinding, I stopped once more, my jog slowing down to a casual walking pace as a single bead of sweat trickled down my face,"What a workout!"

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