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Dedicated to Mameetah11.

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Present day,

"Reima, what's wrong? Reima!" Aman shook me, or rather his lookalike shook me, gently. "Hey, Reima! Come to your senses! Hey!" His voice shook in fright and his growing panic can be seen in the intensity of his hold on my body.

He paused briefly with his pained eyes staring at my lifeless body. However, it wasn't just pain lurking within it's depths, there was also fear swimming unabashedly within too. Taking a deep breath, his hands touched my lips ever so slightly and with no further ado, his lips merged with mine in a kiss of life.

One...two...three times, his lips consumed mine and yet it yielded no response from me.

"R-Reima! Please come to your senses!" He pleaded desperately as his arms rest on my chest as he began CPR. "Please! Please! I still-," his voice cracked, "I still have things to say to you." He kept on pressing my chest gently, pleading.

"Hey! Reima! Reima! Hey!"

However none of his effort to resuscitate me worked. He, however, kept on pressing as if his life depended on it and the truth was, it did. He kept on thinking 'not again', he couldn't survive losing everything again; he simply couldn't, not after what he'd given up to be here.

No, he couldn't afford to lose her. Not today! Not now! It wouldn't be fair. No, it wouldn't be.

"Reima! Please-," his voice laced with pain and fear and hope pleaded desperately.

He, however, knew his options were growing thin by the minute. If he was going to save me, he needed to do something, anything, fast.

Reluctantly, he pulled his hands away from me and then he pulled out his phone and dialled a number. However he hesitated before pressing the call button. His hands balled into fist as he pressed the button finally. It was clear he wasn't fond of whoever he was calling.

The person picked up after two rings.

"Hey, man. I'm-

He cut him off. "Reima fainted! Her face suddenly went pale and she was sweating a lot of cold sweat before she fainted and collapsed to the ground." He explained breathlessly, "She isn't breathing and doesn't have any pulse. I did CPR twice but her breathing didn't come back. What do I do?" He asked shakily and then a little aggressively, "I can't afford to lose her. Not again!"

There was a pause on the other end before he asked;

"Does she have any health problems?"

"No, at least none that I know of." He thought about it for a moment. "She is... healthy."

"Did she drink or take anything?"

He shook his head as if he could see him.

"Okay...she probably has concu-

"Reima! He screamed suddenly, letting go of the phone.

I was sitting upright with my gaze a bit unfocused as I slowly took in my environment and for a minute there, it felt as if i didn't know where I was but the sound of his voice had it all crashing on me again. I looked up at him.

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