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Dedicated to kedia231 for all the love and support

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Aman was right; nothing I knew or have seen was entirely true.


Not the gunshots, not the midnight run, not the days in wilderness, not the kidnapping.


...I promise you, Rei. When you least expect me to, I will steal you away in the middle of the night and take you to the place. I promise you.

This was Aman's promise to me. The late night run and the helicopter was all part of his promise. He was right all along, it was no kidnapping. I really was clueless.

He was wrong about one thing though; the first time we met. It wasn't in the forest as he thought but I'm not surprised he doesn't remember.

Perhaps it was because it wasn't him I met first.

It was Amar, his twin.

It was my first day in Wellspring high, a year before our forest run-in. He was in his school uniform; light blue shirt, a long navy blue trousers and a beret of the same shade with his face marred in a soft scowl as he strolled out of the principal's office with a stack of books on his hands.

He seemed distracted, we both were that day. I was already bubbly about making it here; Wellspring high was the best of the best and highly competitive, gaining admission here was no small feat, think Harvard and there he was, suddenly in my line of sight looking all glorious just like a character in the romance novels I loved. And him, I don't know, having a bad day I guess-not that it made him any less palatable. No wonder we had collided that day sending his books on a wild goose chase.

He'd closed shut his eyes and stood there not making any move to pick up his books and before I could bend down to help with his books, the principal's voice had called for me. I had apologized shyly and walked away.

I had, however, spared him one last glance before entering the office but he was crouched down picking up his books completely oblivious of my existence.

I had willed him to turn while counting to three. But before I could get to three, he'd packed his books and left. Disappointed, I had closed the door behind me and faced the principal smiling.

But then the forest had happened.

"I, uhm, had ran away from home."

And boy was I glad? I had been ecstatic.

However if I had known what our meeting would lead to that day, I wouldn't have done a lot of things I had done that day; I wouldn't have smiled at him that day. I wouldn't have asked him to sit. I wouldn't have told him about my to-do list. But I had and we had become friends, my first best of friend. And then the party had happened. And then the accident. And then my dad. Then Irrfan. And now here I am again; hurt, betrayed and lost, all over again.

The funniest thing was I didn't blame him, not completely anyway.

They had played me; Aman and Amar, but I don't want to blame them. It was my mistake, for trusting them.

Do you remember the story he told me about that girl who liked him and not his billionaire status? Well, I knew that girl.

Khairat Ibrahim Koki, but they all called her 'KIS'. And I knew the story too. Not the possessive, psycho part but the part where they were in love. I know because I was there. I met them together. They were hard to miss considering they were tagged best couple in school. They were both smart and handsome and world's apart like my beloved Harlequin books. But unlike the romance novel I love, she wasn't pure nor the poor girl who saved the rich, broken boy.

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