The Meetup #1

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Y/N's POV:

Well, Summer is over, Another year of studying I guess.

As I walked in the school hallway I went to my locker and saw Freddy nearby. I waved at him and he waved back. "So, What's up?" I asked.
"Uh, here, still with my walking stick. And guess what, I had the best dream ever! I was with Superman and Batman and I had powers too!" Freddy answered. Then me and Freddy walked into our class and studied some subjects~

Freddy's POV:

Me and Y/N chatted the whole class because it was just... BoRiNg. After some classes, we head to the cafeteria to buy food. We lined up and Y/N got her food and It's now my turn. "Holy Moly I forgot my money at the counter top" I said. "Sorry sir, no money, no food" The lady said. "don't worry about it, Ms, here you go, including Freddy's food" Y/N said. "uhm Y/N you don't have to do that" I said worrying. "No-No, you're my best friend, here's my first gift for this school year" she cut me off.

-After School-

Freddy, His Siblings invited Y/N to stay at their house for a day, She asked permission to her mom and she said yes.

When they reached home, Rosa Approached in front of them. "Oh hey there Y/N! I knew Freddy invited you to stay here?" Rosa asked. "Yes he did, my mom approved" Y/N said smiling.

"Okay Children, there will be a new boy to this household which is going to be your brother so wait for us because me and your mother will pick him up and we'll have dinner later" Their dad, Victor said. They approved.

Freddy lead Y/N to his room and they decided to play some board games while waiting. And Freddy showed superman's bullet in a zip lock bag.

Darla knocked on the room, "Hey Y/N, can we play for a bit? Mary is busy right now so she can't play with me" Darla asked. "oh okay sure, if Freddy won't mind" Y/N asked. "Oh I won't, it's uh, fine" Freddy said, kinda upset.

Darla grabbed Y/N's hand and they went downstairs to the living room. Later.....

"Hey Guys! We're home!" Rosa and Victor said. Of course, with the new boy. The Foster kids gather into the front door to see their new brother. Darla hugged Him. "Oh um, hi there" The boy pulled away.

Y/N's POV:

"So guys, this is Billy, Billy Batson and he is going to be your New Brother! And Billy, they are Mary, Pedro, Eugene, Darla and lastly, Y/N, Freddy's best friend" Rosa said. "well hello then" Billy said. They heard a Fire Alarm which is from the kitchen, Rosa quickly Remove the smoke. "Guys! Dinner is ready!" Rosa said.

They all sat on the dining table. On the 1st side, it was (in order) Eugene, Freddy, Y/N and Billy. Then in the other side of the Table, Darla, Mary, Pedro, Rosa and Victor. "okay guys, all hands on deck" they did it except for me and Billy, She didn't do it because I'm  not even part of their family and I had no idea why Billy didn't do it as well, he's part of the family now anyways.

After their done doing it, We started to eat, "Billy, So what do you think of your new siblings?" Rosa asked. I looked at Billy, waiting for his answer.
"Well, they're kinda cool, and nice?" Billy said, not sure of his answer.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! And please be honest in the comment section if I typed something wrong, I wasn't sure about the siblings because I forgot a little. 😅

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