Don't Give Up #15

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-Next day-

It was the next day, you and Billy was still in the room. You realised that you slept on his shoulder. He's still sleeping. You wore your necklace. "Hey Billy, we need to escape" you said, waking him up. "Wait what" Billy said confused. "I can go through walls, follow me" you said, grabbing Billy's hand. You touched the wall. Then you looked down,it looked deep. "You practiced flying right?" you asked. "Yeah!" Billy said. "When I count to three, fly okay?" you said. "How about the bracelet?" Billy asked. "Nah, I'll just use that so I will know where he is at everytime" You said. Holding the device, you saw that Sivana's Location is near you. "OKAY BILLY 1,2,3" You said shouting, then you guys went through the wall and flew away. You looked at your back, your dad was following you. You and Billy flew as fast as you can, and went to a public place. The mall. Then you two transformed to your ordinary selves. Then...

"Hey Billy, I can transform to a different person, should I turn myself to you?" you asked. "Sure! I'm sure he'll not know which is which" Billy replied. You transformed yourself to him. He was amazed. "Hi I'm Billy, Hi my twin brother" You said, trying to copy Billy's voice. You both chuckled. Then trying to follow some strangers while walking to the mall. Then your dad found you two. You ran away with Billy, trying to be part of the strangers, But your dad caught you. You punched him, then Billy saw you, SHAZAM! he said. Then he hit Sivana. Then you transformed to your hero form. You hit Sivana as well. Then you two ran.

Freddy's POV:
Ugh, it's theater practice. Y/N and Billy is at the "Hospital" I said to our teacher. I just noticed Ari kept on looking at me these past few days. Does she like me? I mean. Who would even like me though, I don't wanna be assuming. Now, I read my second script. I saw there's a part where Ari will be my girl friend? What?! I mean. Me and Ari are not even close! I don't even know her. I just saw her with Billy before.

Ari's POV:
Oh my gosh! Ever since that Billy and Y/N talked privately and me and Freddy were alone on one place, I thought that Freddy guy was cute. I don't know if he likes me too. Even though he has a walking stick. I can't stop looking at him these days! I read my script for the theater performance and I'll be freddy's girlfriend! OMG I'm excited!

Time for theater practice. Freddy and Ari were the only main people there. And it's time to do their scene.

"Hey, Uhm, I have to confess something. I really like you Beverly, I love you more than a friend, if you would say yes I would be happy and my smile will reach to heaven. Will you be my girlfriend?" Jack said. "Aweee, Yes Jack! Yes!" Beverly said.

"OKAY CUT!" The director said. Ari was super happy because of what Freddy said. "Aweee, Jack the Angel" Ari said laughing. "oh shut up" Freddy said.

Freddy's POV:
I saw a man in our school and he grabbed me. He held my neck and lift me up to the lockers. "Where's Your brother?" the man said. "I have lot of brothers, dude" I replied, just trying to make him a little uh I dunno. "YOUR BROTHER WITH POWERS" The man said. "I don't have a brother like that, please bring me down!" I shouted. "NO! IF YOU DON'T TELL ME I'LL KILL YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!" The man shouted. "OKAY, OKAY FINE" I screamed. Then someone messaged me. It was Y/N, she told me that they arrived home. I brought the man with me.

Y/N's POV:
It's already night, me and Billy arrived home. Then we saw Rosa and Victor looking at us confused. "Oh my gosh" Rosa said, she hugged at both. "WHAT happened to you two?" Rosa asked. "I found Billy, someone tried to kidnap him, good thing I had a blade with me earlier" I said. "Good thing you're safe" Rosa said. Me and Billy entered the house. Then we decided to stay on the couch while waiting for dinner. Then someone knocked on the door. I went to the door and opened it, I saw Freddy. "Hi Freddy! How was the practice?" I asked. Freddy looked down, sadly. Then my dad appeared. "What the fuck?" I said. "Hello, my daughter" My dad said. "Freddy, why?" I said. "I'm so sorry" Freddy said. "Thank you Freddy, for your service" My dad said. Billy came near me. He saw me tearing up. "Uh, who are you?" He asked. "Hello Shazam Kid" My dad said in an evil voice. I held Billy's hand. "Billy, you need to back off, he might hurt you" I whispered to him. Freddy entered the house, even my dad. "DARLA, EUGENE, MARY AND PEDRO BACK OFF" I shouted. Mary covered them. I looked back, Billy disappeared. Then Shazam was at my dad's back. "You need me?" Shazam asked. "Oh hi there, you're exactly what I need" my dad said. I wore my necklace. I punched him, but he dodged. He held my neck and lifted me up. I kicked his stomach then he knocked down. Then he got up easily, he searched for a door and he wrote symbols and it made a door to somewhere. "Give me your powers, or I'll kill you, and your family" My dad said. "No Billy, please don't do it!" me and darla shouted. Freddy looked at me, very sad. Billy/Shazam held me hand. He went close to me. "Look, I know that you don't want me to do it. But I don't want you and my family to be killed by that fucking man. I want you guys to be safe, and I'll do it for good" Shazam said. I teared up. Shazam walked closely to the door, with your dad. Then they entered.
Hello guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, should I make chapter 16 the ending? (this is chapter 15). Or you want me to make the story longer and make some more chapters? I would like to know your opinion ;)

Total of words except for this note:

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