The Truth Untold #6

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You, Freddy and Billy walked to park with no strangers, Still, Y/N had no Idea what's going on.

F: Okay Y/N, I know I'm gonna tell you a secret too early but I really want to tell you know because it's for your safety, I want to keep you safe because i'm your best friend. 

Y/N: What is ittttt

F: Well this Man, He's Billy. I know, it's complicated but, He can transform from a kid to a man. And We don't really know what to call him. But he's billy.                                                                                  

B: hey Y/N, Sorry I didn't apologise to you the time I shouted to you, and more rude stuff.

Y: Aww, I'm sorry as well, I should've not reply to you like that. I thought you were mad at me.

F: And, I'm sorry Y/N , I tried to keep Billy away from you. I thought I should protect you from danger.

Y: it's fine, I understand.

B: Guys, how are you gonna go home with me?

Y: I'm gonna stay over your house, no worries I asked permission to mom already. And I'll help you. Maybe I'll go inside first, then entertain Rosa and Victor. And maybe you guys can sneak in?

F and B: Sounds Good.


Y/N's POV:
I knocked on the door. Then Rosa and Victor opened it. "Hey there, May I stay here for a night?" I asked. "Yes sure" Rosa and Victor said. "Rosa and Victor, why don't we talk at the kitchen? I can make you something to lighten up your mood?" I asked. They both nodded.

"Hey Y/N" Rosa said. "Yes Rosa?" I asked. "Do you know where Billy and Freddy went?" She asked. "Uh yes, well, I told Billy and Freddy to buy snacks on a 'Convenient Store' ." Oh okay, thank you for the info" Rosa said. And I nodded.

I saw Billy and Freddy sneakily going upstairs. Then I tried to make Blue Berry Cheesecake for Rosa and Victor. While they were waiting, Victor was fixing the Christmas tree with some lights. Then suddenly the electricity powered off. Victor looked annoyed. Later, Darla and Eugene came because of the smell, then they ate it. "You're so good at making Cheese cakes! I loveeeee it!" Darla said. I chuckled. "haha, thanks" I said. Then Darla ran upstairs. Oh no.

Billy's POV:

I saw Y/N making cheese cake, I'm really hungry but, I can't go there with this suit.

I just noticed, Why now? Why did I only think of that today?

I am going to change I think, I tried saying SHAZAM! but after transforming, the lights turned off.

Then while me and Freddy are about to go in the room, we saw Darla. Darla looked shocked. Billy covered Darla's Mouth. "Keep it a secret okay?" Freddy said. Darla nodded.

Y/N's POV:

After they ate cheese cake, at least Rosa and Victor left the kitchen after the 2 went up. I placed the left over cheese cake to a plate and 2 spoons and went upstairs to give it to Billy and Freddy.

Billy ate his cheese cake pretty fast, I guess he was hungry. Then after they ate All of it, I grabbed the plates and the utensils and wash it.

Freddy's POV:

I know I'm gonna assume to much but I think Billy likes my best friend? They are pretty close. I know me and Y/N are really close too. But how they act to each other is quite different. Should I ask Billy?


They three changed their clothes to sleep wear. Then Freddy is looking at them he tried to speak for them to catch his attention.


F: Hey guys?

Y and B: Yeah?

F: I was wondering... If you guys are friends now?

B: Yeah? I dunno to Y/N.

Y: Yes, yes we are 'friends'

F: Finally! I just noticed, you guys are pretty close now. Just like our friendship Y/N.

Y: Yeah... I think so.

-Next Day, Time Skip to 8:30 am-


Y/N woke up pretty early, she grabbed her stuff and she wrote something on a piece of paper. Then Y/N placed something on Billy's bed.

Y/N went downstairs and waved good bye to everybody.

Billy's POV:

I woke up and its 9:00am. Freddy wasn't here. I saw a bracelet beside my bed. And I wore it. It was underneath the bracelet.
"this is for you to always remember me :) - Y/N". Then I kept the note I placed it inside my bag. I went down stairs.

-----------------------------------------------------------I don't remember some parts of the story so I kinda jumbled up some stuff :3
And... I'm gonna add something that is not part of the Movie :p

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