A Letter In A Bottle, Remeber#19

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Y/N's POV:
I woke up, Billy and Freddy were still sleeping. It's prom day, we don't have classes this time and I will just chill and I'll be preparing for prom in 2 hours. I decided to go down stairs to eat break fast and head to the park.

I ate breakfast, I cooked bacon and eggs. Then I freshen myself up by taking a shower and brush my teeth, and I chose my outfit for the day.

It was a white off shoulder and Leggings with black and white stripes

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It was a white off shoulder and Leggings with black and white stripes.
And I added on some jewelry and white sneakers.

"Rosa, I'll be going to the park for a walk" I said. "Okay then, be careful, ultra Violet" Rosa said. I smiled. Then I walked out of the door.


I walked to a bench near the lake, where I let Freddy throw my necklace. To the bridge, where I saw Billy with someone else. I remembered the 'Private Place' where me and Billy confessed. And where Ari fell in love with Freddy. Now today is the day for prom, where Billy asked me and Freddy asked Ari. I had the best school year, being with Billy and Freddy, and the time me and Ari's Friendship was fixed. I searched for an empty bottle near the lake. Then I grabbed a pen and paper in my bag, then I wrote a letter.

To all of the happenings here on the place where I always stay most of the morning since I was little, you made me relieve, remember happy memories, and I learnt a lot. Since I was little I dreamt about having the best friends ever, a perfect boy for my life, and a happy life. I love going here to my place, and I hope I can visit here when I'm old.

To my future self, I hope you learned a lot of things when you were younger, and how you started as a superhero.

Ultra Violet, you've save people for good, Saw your real father, and the truth of your mother. You've done everything for your city and for everyone.

I hope you will remember the memories you made through the years with Billy, Freddy, Ari, Mary, Darla, Eugene, Pedro, Rosa and Victor. They've been with you through your younger years. You may be living on your home now, and having your job, even if it's a low quality job or a high one.

To my future self, I hope you'll remember that I will keep a bottle inside this ground, and remember to open it when you're older, this will help you to remember every good happenings that happened to you, and you'll remember every person who made you happy. If you're married today, I'll guess you had the best day ever, because now, I have. And it's prom. Sooner me, Billy and Freddy will be quitting school because I had a role for a movie. I know right! I didn't even audition, they just picked me! And Billy, who would be with me through my acting journey, he'll be having a performance and I'll be with him! Freddy, who would be with me as well, he got famous by the videos he posted, and theories about Superheroes!

I'll miss my other friends like Darla, Mary, Eugene and Pedro. Darla is always with me when I have no one. Mary is the advice giver of mine everytime I lost ideas. Eugene is my entertainment teacher, he teaches me everything I don't know in technology! And Pedro, who teaches me to cook his favourite food :)

Our flight will be tomorrow, after prom. I asked permission to every staff at school, and they under stood. And we, Three will be having our cool journey and will be focusing on our superhero career!

Future self, Everybody loves you no matter what, that's why you have friends! And, I hope you have a good day!

-Y/N  Y/L/N : May 3, 2019
After writing the letter, I rolled the paper and placed it inside the bottle, and I hid it underneath the soil beside the bench I sat on.

Then I walked back home, seeing Billy sitting on a couch frowning. "Awe come on" I said laughing. "Why did you leave without me?" Billy asked sadly. "Oh, I did something at the park" I replied. "I'll be preparing now" I added. He nodded.

I walked to Rosa's room. I knocked on the door. "Rosa may I come in?" I asked. "Yes sure!" Rosa said. I went in and I saw Rosa preparing all of the elastic bands, Fancy hair ties and really fancy make up. The makeup looked expensive . "Oh my gosh Rosa what is all of this?" I asked. "Oh, I'll be the saloooon lady today, anything for the Prom Queen of Billy" Rosa said smiling. I smiled. "Have a seat" Rosa said, leading me to her vanity. I sat down and looked at the mirror, then I heard a voice from outside. "Can I see my queen now?!" Billy asked. "We haven't even started yet!" Rosa said shouting. I chuckled.

Rosa let me wear gown first, just to make sure my make up won't be ruined. Rosa did my hair and make up, wow, I don't know even I have make up it doesn't even change me that much, I had a fear of make up before because I may look really different.


last chapter will be chapter 20, sorry but I think other people doesn't want it anymore so yeah. I made a new fan fix though. No hate please, positive comments :)))

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