The First Stay #2

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Y/N's POV:

After we ate dinner, I grabbed some overnight stuff in my bag and I went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and I changed my clothes to pj's. I washed my face and removed some makeup on. Then suddenly someone knocked on the door. "Hello? Anybody in there?" Billy said. "Oh uhm, yeah, it's Y/N, wait for a second, I'll be going out!" I shouted. I went out and mouthed sorry to Billy, he looked pretty annoyed.

Then I saw Freddy doing something on the desk, "Uh Fred, Do you have any extra mattress?" I asked. "Yeah I have, wait" He replied. He brought a mattress. "And BTW, what is the mattress for?" Freddy added. "Duh, for me to sleep on?" I replied. We both chuckled. He grabbed a bed sheet to cover the mattress, some pillows, and a comfy blanket. "Thanks Fred" I said. "anytime" Freddy replied. Billy got out of the bathroom, he changed his clothes to pj's. "is this where I'll sleep?" Billy asked pointing the mattress. "Yes, that's where you'll going to sleep" Freddy replied. I looked at Freddy in a confused look. Freddy mouthed it's okay. "Uhm, no Billy I was actually supposed to sleep there, I made Freddy grab these stuff for me, you can sleep on the bunk bed with Freddy" I said. Billy in shock, "Are you sure I mean-" he said, I cutted off his sentence "Yes I'm sure, no worries, I'm used to it". Freddy slept on the top of the bunk bed and Billy on the bottom, I had no idea why Freddy even picked the top one. I tried to close my eyes to sleep......

(a few hours later, 3:30am)

Billy's POV:

I woke up because of a nightmare. I decided to grab my notebook and just throw it into the trash can, I have a new life now. I think I should forget those stuff. Then I saw Y/N woke up, maybe because she heard the notebook fell into the trash can.

Y/N's POV:

I woke up and I saw Billy awake. I just woke up because of a strange noise.
"Billy, why are you awake? It's really early in the morning!" I asked. "Oh um, nothing, I just had a nightmare,that's all" Billy replied. "Are you sure? Is there something wrong? I can help you?" I asked worrying. "Yeah I'm fine okay!" Billie shouted. Oh no, Freddy woke up.

Freddy's POV:

I heard Billy shouted. That's why I woke up. Actually, everybody was awake, me, Y/N and Billy. "Okay guys, what's going on?" I asked them. "Oh nothing, just sleep again, we just heard a strange noise outside, that's all" Y/N answered. Billy looked at me confusingly approving. So I went back to sleep.


Y/N, Billy and Freddy slept again until its 7:00am.

"GUYSS WAKEE UPP" Freddy shouted.
Y/N and Billy lazily woke up and make up their bed. They three went downstairs for breakfast, they grabbed cereal and milk. Then Freddy got em first and he poured the cereal first before the milk, then he passed the milk and cereal to Billy. Then Billy passed it to Y/N, they were looking at her confused. "What?" Y/N asked. "C'mon Y/N, why Milk first before the cereal?" Freddy asked. "It's what she wants, let her be" Billy said. Y/N blushed a bit. And after eating their cereal, they wore their school clothes then they waited for Eugene, Darla, Mary and Pedro to finish.

Then they Say goodbye to their parents and grabbed their backpack and headed to school. "Well, it's your first day Billy, have fun!" Mary said to Billy. Billy smiled.

Again, be honest in the comments! You can give some advice for my improvement, because it's my first time creating a X Reader Story :)

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