Complicated #5

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"You know, what?" Mary asked.

"Freddy is avoiding Billy from me okay, something happened between us two, Billy and me" I answered.

"awww, what happened?" Mary asked.

"In the first night of Billy in your house, he was acting a little rude to me, he shouted at me. Then the time I had to leave, he was asking me if I still wanna stay here for another day, because we're friends but I declined, because I never thought that Billy wanted me to be as a 'Friend' " I explained.

" Oh, I heard Freddy and Billy was talking about you last night, and that Billy was about to apologise to you" Mary said.

"but I guess he can't" I said. Mary nodded.

I noticed Darla was just in front of us, listening to our conversation.

Darla came to me and she hugged me, ugh, she's too cute to be true.


Billy's POV :

Me and Freddy left school probably an hour early, we made an excuse. Freddy went home because his leg hurts and I left because I was going to the subway, but what Freddy and the others know is I'm going to a cousin's house.

I went to the subway. Then suddenly, the people disappeared then there were random symbols appearing on a screen near the entrance then the train has some what frost outside the window. Then, A voice said. "Billy Batson, You are the Chosen Champion". the door opened. I went out, then I just checked the map of the subway, making sure if this is a correct place. But whatever. I went out. Then I saw a stone wall with torches and it lead me to a weird place. It has some statues and a guy resting on the front. Then he heard my foot steps, he woke up. Then he said "You are the Chosen One, Billy Batson" the old man said. "how'd you know my name?" I asked. "don't mind it, just come here and hold my staff, and say my name.." the old man said..
"Shazam" he added. I smirked. "what?" I asked. "Just say, Shazam!" the old man said. "okay, okay......
SHAZAM!" I shouted. I looked on my hands. It was... Huge. I'm a man?! I checked on what I was wearing. It's pretty tight, looks like it's hard to remove it. Then I found my way home. I peeked to the window at the kitchen then I searched for paper and a pen and wrote "Don't scream! It's me Billy". I stuck it in the window. I saw Freddy washing dishes then he found me.


"AGHH! HELP! HELP!" Freddy shouted. "What's wrong?" Rosa asked. "uh nothing mom" Freddy said. Freddy wore some comfy clothes and he grabbed his phone and prepared the 911 number and went outside. "I'm gonna call 911, if youre not really my brother" Freddy said to Billy/Shazam. Freddy asked Billy some questions and all of it were right. Then Billy struck lightning stuff with his hands to a Street light. And it sparked. Freddy was amazed. Then Billy saved some people then the some of the people he saved gave him money. Billy and Fred used the money to buy at the Convenient Store. They bought beer at first, but they didn't like it. Then the robbers came, but Billy came to them and fight. The robber tried to shoot Shazam with a gun. But his suit was bullet proof. Freddy tried to record to whole thing. Then Shazam said "C'mon, try shooting me in the head". The robber shoot him. But the bullet bounced. Freddy was amazed, then Shazam, realized, he, himself was Bulletproof.
Shazam punches the robbers and they left.

Then, Y/N came to the store....

Y/N's POV:

I went to the store and the glass was broken. Then robbers running out? When I came in I saw Freddy and an Old man.


Y/N: Freddy? Who is this man?

F: Oh um, he's a hero. I just knew him earlier. He saved me and the lady there from the robbers.

S: Oh Hi there, my name's Shazam.

Y/N: Hi there. You looked, familiar?

S: Yeah, from YT

Y/N: Yeah. FREDDY! Billy is been missing for a long time! Your mother called me. And she thinks your now lost too!

F: Uhm Y/N wanna know a secret?

S: *Looks at Freddy*

Y/N: Oh okay sure, let's go to the park?

F: Sure.

I know Freddy will say the secret early... But he has a reason for it 😏

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