Friends? #3

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Billy's POV:

As I saw Freddy and Y/N talking to each other, I started to approach to them because I had no idea what to do.

"Uh hey Freddy, so I was about to ask, where's my locker?" I asked Freddy.

"I have no idea-" Freddy said, but Y/N cuts him off, "I know, it's number 23, next to mine" She said smiling. I thanked her and she said I'm welcome. So I went to locker 23, I made my combination and started to keep some stuff in there.

I asked Freddy and Y/N what was their first class then, "I have Science" Freddy said, "I have American History" Y/N said. "Oh, me and Y/N has the same class, would you mind Y/N to lead me there?" I asked her. "I wouldn't, here follow me" Y/N said. I looked at Freddy and he seem happy. I followed Y/N.


Billy and Y/N were just chatting during the class, because the teacher wasn't even teaching, he was just sleeping.

After American History, Billy and Y/N head out to see Freddy. Luckily, they 3 had the same class now.

Now some classes were done, they went to the cafeteria for food. The lined up, Freddy remembered Y/N payed for their food. And.... Freddy forgot about his money.. AgAiN.

"Uh Y/N..." Freddy said nervously. "Yes Freddy?" Y/N answered. "I left my money again... He. He. He" Freddy said. Billy and Y/N giggled at the same time. "No worries" Y/N said. When it was their turn, Y/N paid for their food. Including Billy's.

"You don't even need to-" Billy said, again, Y/N cuts a sentence, "It's your first day anyways" she said smiling. They three stayed on a vacant table. Then Freddy started a conversation "You guys, what will you pick, Invisibility or Flight?". Y/N and Billy answered "Flight". "Why?" Freddy asked. Y/N and Billy looked at each other, and looked at Freddy, "To Fly Away From this Conversation?" Billy and Y/N said in unison. They both chuckled. While Freddy looking annoyed.


The Foster kids including Freddy and Billy, Along with Y/N, went out together. And there are the bullies. Billy ran away. Y/N seemed confused. Billy was looking back at them. Freddy tried to hit the Bullies with his walking stick, Y/N was trying to stop their fight, but she cant~ Y/N just grabbed Freddy's Hand to get him up.

Freddy knocked up, Eugene got the nunchucks "I know how to use this" he said, While he's swinging it around preparing for him to hit the bullies, he accidentally hit the back of his head. The bullies laughed. Mary just grabbed Eugene.

Then suddenly Billy Ran to the bullies and he beated them up. Darla was trying to say stop as well. After the fight, All of them walked home. Then Y/N just quickly grabbed her overnight items. Billy looks at Y/N confused. "why are you grabbing your stuff?" Billy asked. "I don't live here actually, I just stayed here last night because Freddy invited me to" Y/N answered. Billy was a little upset. "What if I invite you now? To stay here? You're my friend anyways?" Billy asked. "I thought you'd never see me as a friend, because of how you acted in front of me the other night?" Y/N said Confused. "I know I was acting pretty rude that time, it's because I wasn't used to a lot of people in a house. I know my mom is just out there. But people were saying I should have a family" Billy answered. "I'm sorry I have to go" Y/N said. Billy placed his hands on Y/N's shoulder. Billy whispered "I'm sorry".

I'm so sorry this chapter is dramatic at the end 😂

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