Wait For Me, Love #14

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Billy's POV:
I woke up, in a dark room. Still in my Shazam form. I tried shooting lightning everywhere trying to make light. But the doors were locked. My backpack wasn't with me. Even my phone. How am I going to call my family?! The bracelet that Y/N gave me was still with me. I remembered she told me to wear this for me to remember her always. I had nothing to do. I know I am a man. But the room is for insane people. I was calling for help. But no help. I sat on a corner. Thinking of my family. It's late night. I can't sleep. I need to think of how I'm going to escape here.

Y/N's POV:
I can't sleep, it's late at night. All I think about right now is Billy. Freddy was still awake. So I decided to talk to him. "Hey Fred" I said to him. "Yeah?" Freddy said. "Well, I gave Billy a bracelet, I did some techy stuff there. It has like a GPS. So I know, if he's missing I can find him fast" I said. "So? What are you going to do now?" Freddy asked. "Do you have a laptop?" I replied. "Of course I do, wait" Freddy said. Freddy handed me the computer. "Thanks" I said. Then I quickly turned on the laptop. Good thing there was no password. I installed some stuff and searched for the thing I placed on Billy's bracelet. Then I checked the place where he was. I'm not stalking or whatever, I'm just making sure that he's safe. He's far from our home. "Freddy" I said. "What?" Freddy said. "I know where Billy is. We should help him" I said. Freddy looked at me on a concerned look. "Are you sure about that?" Freddy asked. "Of course! Ultra Violet will be back!"I shouted. "Shhh, Rosa will know that you're a hero too" Freddy said. "Okay, okay" I said. I Wore my necklace. Then on a woman form. Freddy looks at me, "I think my jaw dropped" Freddy said. "What the heck?" I said laughing. I made a device for me to keep tracking Billy's location, then Freddy wasn't with me. He still has school tomorrow, even I but I told Freddy to tell the teachers tomorrow that me and Billy went to a hospital for a check up.

I flew away and I'm near to Billy's location. But, I think he's in a room. I stopped over a huge building. I turned invisible. There were a lot of guards outside. I decided to go at the back of the building. Then I can see I'm getting closer. I have an ability to go through stuff. Then I went through a wall. Then there was an elevator. I didn't mind about it, there might me hidden cameras there. I went up by using the stair cases. Then I saw a room. Then my device vibrated. In front of me there was a room, then I tried to go through it.

I got through, I saw Billy sleeping. I went near him. "Hey, Billy" I said. He grabbed my hand. "Oh hello there.
MY DAUGHTER" The man said. I thought it was Billy, but he transformed to....
Doctor Sivana? He called me.. Daughter.

"You went to the wrong room dear, and by the way, I got his bracelet" Doctor Sivana said. "you actually know me? How'd you know I'm your daughter?" I asked. "me and your mother adopted you, I guess she isn't with you know?" Doctor Sivana/my dad said. My jaw dropped. While he was looking at the other way, I tried to hit him. But he dodged. I tried to get out, but he got me. I removed my necklace, I hid it, fast,before he could get it. I transformed to my normal form. Then he punched me. I felt dizzy. I saw a woman walking near me. She looked familiar. "Oh Sivana, who is this?" The woman asked. "Oh, you don't remember? I guess OUR Daughter changed a lot" My dad said. "I'm sorry, but I don't know her" The woman said. "Mom? You don't remember me?" I asked. Then my vision went blank.

Doctor Sivana picked you up and he dropped you on the same room where the REAL Billy was. Then Billy saw you. "Aweee two love birds, GOING TO DIE SOON" Doctor Sivana said. "No! You will!" Billy shouted. Then Billy was shaking you, trying to make you wake up.

Billy's POV:
I saw the man dropped Y/N. How did she know that I'm here? And, my bracelet is gone! I tried to wake up
Y/N, but I guess she can't. She had some bruises on her face, I teared up. Why would a man hurt a woman that bad? Y/N doesn't deserve what she has right now. All of her pain should be in me.

Yow! I want to do a team work fanafic for the continuation of Andi Mack S3. I live in the Philippines and I actually can't watch the next andi mack episodes, please tell me some of the stuff that happened in our conversation, in bio :)
Shout out to grazersgaze
She's Amazing :)

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