Jealousy? #10

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-Time Skip To Back to School-

Narrator: You, Freddy and Billy walked to the hallway. And many girls were going near to Billy. Some were hugging him, and some were holding his hands. You were kinda jealous even though you two are not a thing.
Slowly your feelings for him are shutting off. To be honest you had little feelings on Freddy before. But that Billy showed up.

(Bell rings)

You went to your first class. No friends with you on your first class . Even though you're already studying to this school for long. Freddy and Billy were only your friends.

(after class) you went to your locker and you saw Billy beside you. And a girl showed up. "Hey Y/N, this is Ari, Ari this is Y/N. She is a new girl in school. I want you to meet her. She's my new friend" Billy said. "Hey" You said. Ari let out a hand for a shake. You refused, Billy looks at you. "I need to go to the washroom" You said leaving. You searched for Freddy. You found him near the washroom. "Booyah" You said. "Hey, what's up?" You asked. "MY MOM BOUGHT ME A NEW FIGURINE" Freddy shouted. He hugged you, then pulled back. "Oh Oof sorry" He said. "No it's fine, it's okay" you said. "What's wrong with you right now Y/N? Seems like you change?" He said. "Wdym?" you asked. "I mean, I thought you liked Billy, I thought you're the one who's gonna pull back the hug" He said. "Oh, nah, I don't care. He likes the 'New Girl' Ari" You said. "you're too much assuming, you're being jelly?" He asked. "No ofc I'm not!" you replied. He giggled.

Billy's POV:

I saw Y/N beside me. She seem sad. Then I saw Ari and I introduced her to Y/N. But, I can tell she was like jealous. She refused to hand shake with Ari and she left. I like Y/N. I don't think she likes me too. But how she acts is making me curious. I saw her talking with Freddy. And Ari was following me EVERYWHERE.

-Class Dismissal-


You went out of school with Freddy. Then you two decided to stay at the park.

"So, we're you and Billy a thing?" Freddy asked. "we were NEVER a thing. Besides, she has a girl now" You answered. "Looks like you were before" Freddy said. "Nope. We're just, uh" You said. You don't know if you're going to say 'friends'.

While you and Freddy are walking to a bridge, you saw Billy and Ari sitting on a bench. Then they held hands and kissed. You looked at them. Tears rolled down your face. Freddy saw you, he held your hand and he faced you the other way, "Look on the other way, please, don't cry, think of the bright side instead, the world is upside down" Freddy tried to comfort you.

"No, why am I even jealous even though we're not a thing?" You asked to yourself. Freddy looks at you.
"Look Y/N, there are a lot of boys on the world that are honest, intelligent, supportive and that can make you happy. I'm here. I'm always here for you" Freddy said. He holds your hand. "I know I may not be with you in the future. But I can still be a supportive best friend" he said. You hugged him.

You and Freddy walked to the lake, and sat down on a bench.

"Remember you threw my necklace?" you said. "Yeah, does your mom even know" Freddy asked. "Uh, no. I'm not even interested in powers. I want to be an ordinary girl. I don't wanna stress a lot" you replied. "But it's from your mom" Freddy said. "Yeah, but I had another one there. I just don't use it often" You said.

You thought of Telling Billy the truth. You want to tell him your feelings for him. And so you can move on.

"Should I tell Billy what I feel for him?" you asked. "Uh yes, he likes you, but I had no idea why that stupid boy kissed a stranger" he said.

Billy and Ari are walking towards where you and freddy were.

"Hi there!" Billy said. You held freddy's hand. Billy looked at you confused. "Are you guys a thing now?" Billy asked you. "Yes, yes we are" You said. Freddy looks at you. Billy grabbed your hand. "HEY!" you shouted. "We need to talk" Billy said, Billy left Ari with Freddy. And Billy brought you to a place where no people are.


Y: Why did you bring me here?

B: I want to talk to you.

Y: we are now talking, I'm gonna let you talk to me now for 6 minutes.

B: okay

Y: Timer starts...... Now.

B: Are you mad at Ari?

Y: No, I'm not.

B: Why did you refuse the hand shake then.

Y: Because

B: Because what?!


B: Why are you jealous?

Y: it's because I thought you two are dating for somehow.

B: What do you mean?

Y: I saw you kissed Ari earlier on a bench.

B: *speech less*

Y: Look, I understand-


Billy cut you off, he kissed you....
Passionately. After a few, You pulled back.

"How dare you?" You said to Billy.
"That's what you wanted right?" Billy said. "What the hell?" you said. He covered your mouth. "Shhh" He said. "Let go of me!" You said. "Chill, just be quiet okay" Billy said.

Back to the dialogue>

B: Here, I don't like Ari. She was just a new girl. I just kissed her because I thought we will end. I didn't even like her before. It was her who liked me. She kept on following me everywhere. But, I don't have a choice. I just gave what she wanted. And boom. I think I should tell her that I don't like her.

Y: Oh, and tbh me and Freddy weren't a thing. But I hope he is still okay right now. So who do you like then?

B: Hm, She is a girl, she's pretty, same age as me. I met her before. I smile everytime I see her happy. I really love her. And her name is....

-----------------------------------------------------------I know, the part where Y/N saw Billy kissing Ari was just like the scene of andi mack Jonah kissing Amber. And the part where Freddy tries to make Y/N face the other side was the part where buffy was going. Sorry this chapter took too long. I didn't have time to write yesterday ❤️

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