The Ending #21

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Y/N's POV:
There's blood in... In the sink.
"WHAT" I said screaming, confused.
"Y/N what happened?!" Billy said, entering the bathroom. "Oh" Billy added. "did you just?" I asked. "No, no! I didn't cut myself, bruh" Billy said. "Then who did this?!" I asked. "I don't know okay! To be honest when It was my first time going here in the bathroom the blood was there already" Billy said. "It's too impossible that someone will break into our house when we were not here before?" I said in confusion. "uh yeah" Billy said. "Well, I'm just going to remove the blood here" I said. "Okay then, well bye for now, I have practice" Billy said, he kissed me on the forehead.

I saw a slit on my arm. Is that were the blood came from? I didn't even cut myself! I mean, it couldn't be Billy. Or maybe someone just stalked me and turned invisible?!

I forget about it, I changed my clothes for the first day of set.

I wore a Sweater, ripped jeans and some boots. I want to cover the slit on my hand so yeah.

I went to the living room, no one was there. All I know is that Billy went to practice. Did Freddy and Ari went to the grocery store? I mean, malls are closed yet.

I booked an uber, and locked the house. The driver arrived, and I showed him the address.


I went to set, and what?! I saw my dad and my mom?!

"Mom, dad?!" I said. They looked pretty old now. But at least I can still recognise them. "Y/N?" My mom said. "Mom? You remember me?" I asked. "Yess! Why are you here, and where have you been the whole time?" my mom said. I teared up. "Mom, before you didn't recognise me, I was ultra Violet, you left me and I lived with Billy instead, and yesterday was prom, and we moved to a house which is in this place" I said. She hugged me. Dad was looking at us. "I'm so sorry, for what I did before. I realized how bad I was to you, your mom changed me" My dad said. He hugged me too. "awww dad" I said. "You grew a lot!" Mom said. "Not really" I said laughing. "So, why are you here on set?" I asked. "Me and your dad will be parents" Mom said. "OMG! You will be my parents on a show too?!" I said in excitement. My mom and dad smiled. And we read our script.

"Okay guys, time to roll!" The director said.

After set, me, mom and dad decided to eat lunch on a nearby resto. We talked about life plans, and how our life is going! It was fun talking to them, especially with dad, he pretty changed a lot.


Your mom and dad died, sadly, they didn't meet Billy since they changed. You went to their funeral, with Billy, Freddy and Ari.

Now you're 25, you were already famous and you earned a lot of money. And you also do some super hero stuff, but not all the time. Billy, who performs to humongous stages and does his super hero career. Ari started to work as a barista at Starbucks, and Freddy who was also famous and he became a youtuber!

"Well, 10 years already for this house" you said. You brought a cake and placed it on your dining table. You invited some of your famous friends and hang out.

After a few months, you and Billy were married. Ari and Freddy are soon to be married next. "Ilysm" You said to Billy. "ilysm" Billy said. You hugged him. Then Freddy and Ari looked at you two, smiling. "Congrats to you two" Ari and Freddy said.

A month later, it was Billy's birthday, you, Freddy and Ari decided to surprise him. It was morning. Billy was asleep you woke up Freddy and Ari and told them that you guys will start arranging the surprise.

You added some streamers and you bought a chocolate cake. Ari and Freddy prepared the confetti and some of their gifts.

You turned off the lights. Then you heard Billy coming to the living room.

"uh guys? Anybody home?" Billy asked. "SURPISE" you, Freddy and Ari said. Then Freddy popped the confetti. "OMFG" Billy said in shock. "Thank you so much!" Billy added, Freddy handed the cake, then Ari handed the gifts. Then you came closer to Billy, holding a small box. "here's my special gift, happy birthday" you said. Billy opened the box. "I'm Pregnant!" You said excitedly. Ari and Freddy's jaw dropped. "what?!" Freddy and Ari said in shock. "YES!" you said. "Oh my gosh" Billy said. He hugged you. "Congrats!" Freddy and Ari said.

9 months later, you gave birth to a little girl. You named her (your dream name- y/d/n). And guess what, Freddy and Ari got married!

5 years had past, your daughter was a special gift. She discovered her powers, and Billy loved her so much.
Freddy and Ari had a son. Your daughter and their son were Bestfriends. Your daughter shows you her abilities and you and Billy were amazed. Then, you all decided to come home to Rosa and Victor. You all went to the airport and went to the house.

"Surpise!" you said. Darla was at the front of the door. She looked like a teenager already. "Darla I missed you so much!" you said. "Here's your niece" Billy said. "I'M AN AUNT ALREADY OMG" Darla said in excitement. Then Mary showed up. "Congrats!!" Mary said. Then Ari and Freddy showed up. "I'M AN AUNT OMG AAHH" Darla said, she saw freddy's son. "Hello there" Ari said. The the other siblings of Freddy and Billy showed up. And Rosa and Victor. "Congrats to you! Come in, we prepared dinner" Rosa said smiling. You all smiled, then went in. "awe, I forgot to create a welcome home banner" Darla said. "It's okay" You said laughing.

You all sat down on your chairs. "Okay, all hands on deck" Victor said. You all smiled. "Thank you for the food, we are happy that the whole family is back, and Even 2 special gifts are added. We are happy of what we are having and thank you for all of the blessings you gave us" Rosa said.
After you pray, you all eat dinner.

"Thank you!" you said. You all went to sleep.

-Next day-

You woke up, and Billy was awake too. "Want to come to the lake?" You asked. "Yeah sure" Billy replied.

Your POV:
Me and Billy freshen up and I changed my clothes. We went to the park with a nearby lake.

"I remember you and Freddy surprise me here and we played the confession game" I said. I searched for the bench where I  always sat on. "Gotcha" I said. I tried to dig to the dirt. And I  found the bottle. "What is that?" Billy asked. "Oh, this was the thing I made when I walked alone at the park before" I replied. I opened the bottle. And read the letter. I teared up. "Lemme see" Billy said. I handed him the paper.

"Well, all of these are, amazing, and true" Billy said. He hugged me.

(few days later, back to your own house)

A few missions from your superhero career has passed, your daughter had a superhero suit already, made by Billy and Freddy. Then you train her with her abilities. It was a mix of your powers and Billy's. "Look mommy look daddy!" your daughter said. "Amazing! Your mommy Ultra is proud of you!" you said smiling. "And daddy Shazam is proud of you!" Billy said.

Freddy and Ari decided to move to their new house. Since they don't have space for their baby furniture and all.

You, Billy, and your daughter visit Freddy and Ari sometimes. You guys are just neighbours!

From now on, all of the missions were done. This year was peaceful and almost to an end. Another year will come and your daughter will be the next Ultra Violet/Shazam. 

Your daughter's POV:
I want to make mom and dad proud. I need to finish this mission and I will be a great superhero!

Dad gave me the staff. Then mom was watching me on the side. Then dad said.....

"okay, daughter, Say my name..."

⚡"Your name... SHAZAM!"⚡

~~~~~~~~~~~¦THE END¦~~~~~~~~~~~

Sorry guys I ended it pretty fast. And sorry for posting the Ending late! It's just I think this story is just not good. Instead of not continuing this story I decided to make a quick ending. I hope you enjoyed it :)))

I'll be publishing a new fanfic soon, I hope y'all like it :))))

Sending love to the people who supported this story! ❤️⚡

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