Thinking Of You #4

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Freddy's POV:

I was playing with Eugene, then I saw Y/N leaving. "Bye Y/N" I said, he said bye too. I went into my room checking if she forgot something then I saw Billy upset, laying down on the bunk bed with some tears falling from his face.

"What happened to you? Geez" I asked. Billy wiped his tears. "It's nothing" He answered. He looks like he's lying. "Are you sure? Is it about
Y/N?" I asked. "I messed up" Billy answered. "What do you mean?" Freddy said. "I thought in the beginning, me and Y/N will be good friends just like your friendship with her, earlier, I knew she was leaving. She looked mad at me. She thought I was mad at her because of the first night I was here. Remember the Time me and her explained that the noise was outside? No. It was me shouting at her. It was because she was trying to ask me if I was okay, I had a bad dream that time. And she knew about it. And yeah, earlier it blew up" Billy replied, some tears falling from his face.

"Oh c'mon Billy, it's just a girl, she'll be okay when you give her space for a few days, or maybe do something with her that she likes" I Said.

"What does she like then?" Billy asked.

"She likes walking outside at night and she wants being comforted everytime she's sad" I answered.

"Thanks, a lot" Billy said smiling.


Freddy went to the top of the bunk bed, in a few minutes he slept already. While Billy couldn't sleep. Billy couldn't stop thinking about Y/N.

Y/N's POV:

I just realized I acted to Billy like rubbish. I should've not done that. I was too rude. I think I should apologise to him the next day. Ughhh I couldn't sleep. I kept on thinking about him.

-Next Day-

Y/N's POV:

I was late, I immediately prepared and ran to school. I grabbed a granola bar and my mom handed me a strawberry milk shake. When I arrived school. I saw Freddy and Billy talking to each other. Billy looks at me sadly. Freddy grabbed Billy's hand and he avoided me to him.

Billy's POV:

"What are you thinking Freddy? I can see Y/N was sad and you're just gonna grab me like that?" I told Freddy. "I know, I know, but I think she should realise first she did something wrong, even though I'm her best friend I should protect my brother first" Freddy replied. I just followed what Freddy said. I felt bad for Y/N. If I was her best friend, I wouldn't do that to her.

-Lunch Break-


The students lined up, well of course, Freddy and Billy are away from Y/N. Billy remembered the time She was paying their food and chatting a lot while eating lunch. Now she's alone.
Y/N gave the money to the lady and she grabbed her lunch. And sat on a vacant table. ALONE. Billy was trying to approach Y/N but Freddy said no. Billy was upset. He couldn't apologise to Y/N.

Y/N's POV:

I saw Freddy holding Billy's hand trying to get Billy away from me. I just looked on my food and eat. I was upset, I couldn't apologise to Billy.

Billy's POV:

Tears rolled on my face I tried to get a long with Freddy. We just went to a different table. Then Eugene came.
"how did you?" I asked. "Nah, We had early lunch today, and Me and Darla are actually gonna eat with you guys" Eugene replied. Then Darla came. "Where's Y/N? I wanna eat with her!" Darla said. I pointed Y/N's table. Darla Ran there Then Eugene looked at me weirdly. "Guys what happened?" he asked. "nothing" Me and Freddy said.

Y/N's POV:

I saw Darla running to me with her lunch. And Mary too. "Hey Y/N!" Darla and Mary said. "Oh hey there, why are you guys here?" I asked. "Well, the boys are there on the other table, except for Pedro, he's still answering some tests. And BTW, aren't you supposed to be with Billy and Freddy?" Mary asked. "Yeah but I...."

Yeah I know, lel😂

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