The Surpise #18

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-at the mall-
You, Billy and Freddy went to a dress store, you asked them what color you should have but their answers are, I actually don't know.
"What color?" you asked. "Red and Yellow" Billy said. "I'll look Like Ronald, duh" you said. "But- it's the color of my-" Billy said disappointed. "pink?" Freddy suggested. "I don't think pink will fit for me" you said. "Oh look! There is a cool blue dress! It's perfect for the night" Billy said, he grabbed the dress and handed it to you.

"Wow! I really like This!" you said

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"Wow! I really like This!" you said. You checked the price, it was $196.99
"Uh, can you afford that?" Billy and Freddy asked. "Uh yeah! My mom gave me money before. For me to buy a beautiful gown" you said. "But your mom left you, she can't see you in your beautiful gown anymore" Freddy said. "I'll let her choose what she wants in her life, where she is happy" you said. You brought the dress to the cashier and you paid for it. "How about you boys?" you asked. "Nah, we still have a suit at home" they said. You chuckled. "Prom is after tomorrow right?" You asked. "Uh yeah" Billy answered. "Let's go home" you said. "Uhm Y/N, can we stay here? Me and Freddy will buy our own suits, but if you want to come with us?" Billy asked. "Oh, uh, I'm sorry, Rosa needs to practice my makeup for prom, is it okay if I'm going home?" You said. "Yeah, it's okay" Billy and Freddy said sadly.

(Billy and Freddy-Mall)
"first, we're going to buy our suits, then, a gift for our prom date?" Billy asked. "Yep, exactly" Freddy replied. "Okay let's go" Billy said. They walked to a men store and they bought a suit. "We should split up for this, I'll buy my gift and you buy yours" Billy said. "Just text me if you're done and let's meet on the Cafe" Billy added. Freddy nodded.

Billy's POV:
I haven't asked Y/N yet, she left because my mom is going to practice her make up. What if I buy makeup for her and a bouquet of flowers? Or maybe....

Y/N lovesss cinnamon rolls, and I decided to buy 6 of them and I will write a letter in the box.

OoHHh yesss, okay. So I bought it now and I also bought a separate card. I wrote a letter and I hope she likes ittt!

Freddy texted me. And I went to the cafe, I saw him with a Teddy bear. HMMmm? I don't wanna know his idea, I want to be surprised.

Freddy and Billy went home, but of course, they know you always sit on the couch in the living room so they hid their gift in a big bag.

"Hey, why do you have a huge bag?" you asked. "We bought groceries" Billy said. "Hm? We have a lot of food?" You said. "Just in case? There are so many disasters happening and we may ran out of food so yeah" Freddy said smiling. You looked at them seriously. "Okay then??" you said.

-Next Day-

"Y/N, BILLY AND FREDDY! IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL" Rosa shouted. You three ran and prepared and ate breakfast then you grabbed your bags and went to school.

Billy held your hands, Freddy looked a little jealous, so you held his too.
(you were in the middle)

"See ya later guys" you said running to your first class.

You went in and you saw Ari, the only vacant chair was beside her, "ah shit" you said whispering. You sat down, trying not to make contact with Ari.

"Okay class today I will be grouping you into 4 and I will pick the members" The science teacher said.

"First group, Ari, Alex, Jonah, Ronnie and Y/N"

"fuck, here we go again"

"Second group, Jennie, Rose, Lia, Lesley, and Andy"

"Third group, Fanny, Clint, Alice, Athena, and Asamiya"

"And lastly, Cyrus, Bex, Leona, Natalie, and Mary"

You all went to your group.

"Okay class, so what you are going to do is a presentation. You will explain the needs of animals and why we need to protect them" the teacher said.

"Okay, Ronnie, you like animals right?" you asked. "Yes I loveee animals" Ronnie answered. "So what are their needs and why do we need to protect them?" You asked. "They need proper food and Natural shelter, if they are stuck on a place with pollution and chemicals they might die and we will lost animals. We protect them by not ruining their habitat, and by not making their habitat worse" Ronnie said, while she was explaining, you wrote her answer on a notebook.

"How about you ARI?" you asked. "I know a lot of SNAKES need a mind, because they don't know they STEAL stuff even thou someone OWNS it" Ari said. Your jaw dropped. "Say what?" you said. "A proper one, look Ari I don't wanna fight with you anymore and I want to be friends with you, I'm enough of the bullshit and I can't handle this war anymore" you confessed. "Okay fine" Ari said.


Ari walked up to you. "Hey, were you serious about earlier?" Ari asked. "Yeah I was" you said. "Okay then, friends?" Ari said. "Friends" you said. You gave her a handshake. Billy and Freddy saw you. Billy and Freddy looked shocked. "Ho-How?" Billy and Freddy asked. "I'll explain later" You said. Billy held your hand and Freddy held Ari's.

"What?!" you and Billy said. "Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you" Freddy said. Then it was lunch time. "Hey girls, follow us to the yard" Billy and Freddy said. You and Ari nodded.

"Y/N" Billy said, holding your hands. "At least it's lunch time, and I know you love cinnamon rolls,
*Roses are Red, Cinnabon is the bomb, do me a favor, and come with me to PROM?*" he asked. "Oh my gosh Billy Yesss!!!!" you said excited. Billy handed you a box of cinnabons.Then you and Billy watched Freddy asking Ari.

"Ari, *I couldn't bear not to ask you to PROM, will you come with me to prom?*" Freddy asked. Freddy gave the Teddy bear to Ari. "This is My dream come true... YESS!" Ari replied.
Sorry this took long! I was too busy and ill be performing so yeah ;).
I know I added a lot of pics to this chapter but whatever.

Total of words except for side note:
1058 words.

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