Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 1: We're baaaack!

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3rd POV:

On a dark and spooky moonlit night, bats fly into the air as the moon shines down upon a spooky house. But this is no ordinary house. In this house lurked a witch, and this mystery would be one of the gang's toughest challenges yet. The witch runs through the halls of the house, laughing evilly as the gang gives chase.

"She went that way!" (Y/N) exclaims.

"Come on," says Fred. "Split up,"

Dividing up into two groups of three, the gang goes through twists and turns, trying to catch the culprit behind this mystery. Eventually, the witch runs into the kitchen (I think that's what it was, but feel free to correct me), with Shaggy, Scooby and (F/A/N) following close behind her.

"Hey, come on, Scoob, (F/A/N)!" Shaggy exclaims.

"Roger!" says Scoob.

"We're right behind you, Shaggy!" says (F/A/N).

However, not long after entering the kitchen themselves, Shaggy screams in horror, him and his two animal friends running away from the witch.

"Change of plans!" Shaggy screams.

With the witch following right behind them, Shaggy, Scooby and (F/A/N) continue to make a run for it. After somehow breaking down the front door, they leave the house, in hopes to escape from the wicked witch.

"I'm outta here!" (F/A/N) screams, running right beside his/her two goofball friends.

"And stay out!" the witch yells.

However, the witch failed to notice (Y/N), Fred and Daphne coming in her direction. Courtesy of (Y/N), the witch is pinned to the ground, with some help from Fred. The witch struggles with all her might to get the two teens off of her, while Fred and (Y/N) try to keep her restrained.

"Daphne, grab the hood!" (Y/N) yells, trying to not let the witch get away.

"I'm on it!" Daphne exclaims.

"Time to unmask the person behind this mystery," Fred declares.

Soon, Shaggy, Scooby and (F/A/N) come back inside the house, just in time to see Daphne remove the hood from the witch's head, revealing the culprit behind all of this mess. However, the moment the figure is revealed, everyone becomes shocked, unable to believe to who it really is.

"It's you?" Daphne asks.

"Oh my god!" (Y/N) exclaims.

"What?" Fred asks.

"You're kidding, right?" (F/A/N) asks.

"Like it can't be," Shaggy denies, as Scooby's eyes nearly bulge out of the sockets of his skull from shock.

(Y/N) POV:

Hold it, hold it, hold it!

(immediately pause the screen)

Before we go anywhere with this, let me just say that this, this is me, as well my friends. As you might be wondering, yes, we're in the middle of solving a mystery, and I don't blame you for asking why Velma isn't part of this. See, the thing is, is that this mystery is different from the other ones we've solved in the past. The reason why is--

I'm probably getting ahead of myself. Maybe it'd be best if I start from the beginning.

(rewinds the screen to last week)

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