Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 4: Love in the air?

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(3rd) POV:

The skies were blue, and the sun shined high up in the sky, making it a beautiful day, especially for the gang's first day of work. While the girls were assigned to set up the dining tables (at least that's what I think they are), (Y/N), Fred and Shaggy were told to help people learn how to golf. And as (Y/N)'s childhood friend, Shaggy promised to help him out in any way that he could with finding out how Fred really feels about Daphne, or at least how Daphne feels about (Y/N) through Fred, while also making sure not to give anything away.

"Getting much better distance on those woods, sir," Fred says to one of the customers, who once again missed his shot by hitting the ball into a tree.

"Hey, uh, Fred, can I talk to you man-to-man?" Shaggy asks.

"Sort of,"

"Well, you and Daphne," Shaggy tries to say, wanting to help his childhood friend in any way that he could, while also trying to not spill the beans for (Y/N)'s sake. "Is that something you recommend?"

"What do you mean?" Fred asks, confused.

"Well, you know, going from having, uh, you know, a girl friend to a girlfriend," Shaggy clarifies.

Understanding Shaggy's words, Fred gives his answer. "I don't know if I'd really call Daphne my girlfriend, Shags. You know it's more casual than that. We're just, um...We're hanging out. I'm just not the relationship type. I'm a football player, we like to, uh, play the field. Anyway, it's summer, Shaggy," Fred says.

"Oh, yeah, summer. Totally," Shaggy says with a smile, glad to hear that his childhood friend might still have a chance with Daphne. Knowing that, Shaggy then decides to shift the conversation a bit, wanting to know on how to get Daphne to notice (Y/N), and how to get himself to ask Velma out on a date. "Because who'd want a girlfriend during daylight-savings time?"

"Good guess, but what I'm saying is summer's a time you just wanna have fun. Not get so serious. Daphne's cool, she feels the same way," says Fred.

"Like, wow, it sounds like you two are on the same wave-length," Shaggy says, not liking the answer he received.

Guess I have no other choice but to ask (N/N) for advice, Shaggy thinks to himself. Shaggy was happy for (Y/N), knowing that his childhood friend has a chance with Daphne. But that's also why he felt bad. To Shaggy, he felt that (Y/N) had enough going on as it is, his childhood friend trying to admit his feelings to Daphne, which is why he'd hate to be a bother, asking advice on how to admit his own feelings for Velma.

Later, as soon as the gang's shifts were over, Shaggy doesn't waste a single moment to rendezvous with (Y/N), wanting to tell him the good news. Meanwhile, (F/A/N) and Scooby had been relaxing near the pool, waiting to see if Shaggy made any progress on asking Fred's thoughts about his and Daphne's relationship, and quite possibly to cheer (Y/N) up if he ends up being sad again.

"Hey, Scoob, (F/A/N)," Shaggy says to the said two. "How was the first dog day and (F/A) day of summer?"

"Relaxing," Scooby says, earning a nod of agreement from (F/A/N).

"Glad to hear it, guys. Now come on, let's go get some--"

The plan Shaggy had in mind was to offer Scooby, (Y/N) and (F/A/N) to join him on a snack (buffet) in the kitchen, so that he could tell (Y/N) some good news, without the rest of the gang noticing. But before Shaggy could even finish his sentence, Velma and Daphne appear.

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