Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 7: The story of the witch, Wanda Grubwort

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(Y/N) POV:

After meeting Elmer, he led us to his home and welcomed us in. We all made ourselves comfortable, sitting at his dining table, while he explained all that he knew about the Lake Monster.

"So, just to get this straight, you've never actually seen the Lake Monster, have you?" I ask, referring to how we caught him wearing the costume that looked kind of similar to the thing that attacked the country club.

"I was just using the legend to make a quick buck," Elmer answers. "Made some postcards...sold them to the local tourist traps."

As he explains, he pours something into his mug. I'm not sure what it is, but something tells me that it is definitely not something my friends and I would enjoy. He offers us some, but as politely as possible, we all decline, not wanting to have whatever it is.

"Hey, what can I say? You know, lighthouse keeping ain't exactly a growth industry," Elmer points out.

Well, I guess that's understandable.

"Anyway, when I heard about all the hoopla down at the country club tonight, I figured it might be a good time to dust off old green-eyes over there, and, uh, take some new shots," he says, referring to his costume, before making an imitation of a camera taking pictures. "But listen, kids, if this thing's really back, you best leave now while you still can."

"Come on, you don't really believe the monster's real, do you?" Fred asks. "It's probably just some prankster with a better costume."

Tell that to the ghosts that former Principle Deedle brought back for his evil purposes.

As much as I wanted to tell him that, I know that now is not the time. Plus, he does have a point. Ever since the gang and I have started solving mysteries, each one we solved always ended up being someone dressed in a costume like it's Halloween or something.

"Maybe it is and maybe it ain't. But one thing's for sure, the legend is a truly terrible tale," Elmer says as he takes a seat.

"Well, would you care to tell us what this legend's about, then?" I ask, hoping that this legend might help us get a good start on solving this mystery, earning nods of agreement from my friends.

"Well, it all goes back to the very beginnings of town. When the first settlers arrived in these parts, they was confronted by an old woman, who was said to live in a cave by the lake. Grubwort was her name. Wanda Grubwort," Elmer explains, telling us the whole story. "She claimed all the land around the lake belonged to her, and told the settlers that if they didn't turn back, they would pay the price. But them early pioneers was not about to be turned away so easily, so they settled in and forgot all about her warning. But Wanda Grubwort did not forget. And one day, she fulfilled her dark oath. Using her magical staff, she cast a spell upon an innocent creature of the lake, transforming it into a hideous beast. Once Grubwort had her monstrous slave, she loosed it upon the villagers."

Elmer then went silent, while we all waited for him to continue. When he didn't Shaggy spoke up.

"And then? What happened next?" Shaggy asks, the rest of us nodding our heads in agreement, wanting Elmer to continue the story.

"Well, it's said the settlers eventually overcame Grubwort, tried her for witchery, and burned her at the stake. Like I said, you best leave now, while you still can," Elmer says, giving his final warning.

Fred then sighs, standing up from his seat. "I'm sorry Mr. Uggins, but we just don't give up that easy."

"He obviously wasn't in my sophomore geometry class," Shaggy says.

Scooby-Doo sequel/Scooby-Doo Curse of the Lake Monster (insert reader)(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now