Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 9: The Lake Monster Strikes Again

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(Y/N) POV:

After what happened today, I stayed cooped up in my room, refusing to come out, still heartbroken about Shaggy. At one point, Daphne got fed up with it, saying it wasn't healthy for me to stay cooped up in my room for too long. That's why she offered (more like dragged) me to play tennis with her and some boys tonight.

Part of the reason was to make Fred jealous. Daphne thought they were dating, but apparently, Fred didn't see it that way, which is why she's doing this to get some attention from him. But she also said that it's to help keep my mind off of Shaggy. She wasn't wrong about that. I was so focused on scoring a goal with my partner that I forgot all about how sad I was earlier.

When Daphne and her partner won the game, we all took a break. While I was grabbing mine and Daphne's water bottles, I heard her speak up.

"Oh, hi, Fred," I hear her say, as I turn around to see Fred walking up to her. He looked sweaty, making me take a guess that he must've been exercising. He also didn't look happy, proving that he had watched us play with those guys, making him jealous, just like Daphne wanted. "Is something wrong?"

Fred was about to say something. But before he could, we hear an all too familiar scream.

"Help!Help, help!"

I gasp in realization. "Was that Shaggy?" I ask, worried.

"Come on!" Fred exclaims, all of us running to wherever that scream's coming from.

It becomes a little difficult to look through all of the fog, practically as thick as pea soup, but eventually, we find Shaggy.

"Shaggy," Fred says, only to receive a shreeking scream from Shaggy.

"What's wrong?" I ask, wondering what happened when none of us were looking.

"Oh. Oh, you know, nothing. I just thought I'd work on my blood-curdling scream." Shaggy says, surprisingly calm. He then goes back to screaming, catching all of us by surprise. "What the heck do you think is wrong? It's the Lake Monster!"

As if on cue, the Lake Monster appeared, making all of us jump, as we get behind Fred.

"That's it. Time to unmask this prankster once and for all," Fred says, throwing a tennis racket at the Lake Monster. Once the monster lets its guard down, clutching its head in pain, Fred tackles it to the ground. "Come on, help me with this mask!"

Not wasting a single moment, we help Fred out. While Shaggy tries to help Fred keep the Lake Monster pinned down, Daphne and I try to pull on its head, to get the mask off. But no matter how hard we pull, even with the two of us working together, the head just wouldn't budge.

Uh-oh. If it's not coming off, then could that's real?!!!

"Fred? I don't think this thing is a mask!" I exclaim.

"I think (Y/N)'s right on this one!" Daphne exclaims, her and I still trying to pull the head off.

Eventually, the Lake Monster knocked me, Fred and Daphne off of it. When it does, it barfs, badly.

I'm gonna throw up!

Apparently, I'm not the only one sick to my stomach. "Ew! Gross!" Shaggy exclaims, getting away from the Lake Monster.

We then start to make a run for it. "Keep moving!" Fred exclaims.

Before, the Lake Monster was behind us, but then somehow jumped in front of us.

"This thing keeps getting the jump on us," says Shaggy.

"It can't jump in two directions. Come on, split up," Fred says.

While Fred and Daphne go in one direction, Shaggy and I go the other way. Unfortunately, the Lake Monster chases after us, and is practically right on our tails.

"Like, why did he have to pick us?" Shaggy asks. "In gym class, I'm always the last one picked!"

"If only this were gym class, Shaggy!" I exclaim, still running next to him.

Eventually, we stopped for a moment to see if the Lake Monster is still chasing us, seeing nothing. Just as we both begin to think we're safe, we see the Lake Monster had gotten in front of us again.

"Oh, Zoinks!" Shaggy screams, getting in front of me.

Just as I begin to prepare myself for the worse, I hear some kind of motor, and a couple of all too familiar voices.

"(Y/N), Shaggy, hold on!" (F/A/N) exclaims.

"Re'll rave you!" Scooby exclaims.

I look to see them riding on motor bikes (at least that's what I think they are). Shaggy and I don't waste anytime on jumping on the bikes, while (F/A/N) and Scooby don't stop for anything, driving us to safety, and as far away as possible from the Lake Monster.

"Like, thanks, buddy," says Shaggy.

"Yeah. Thanks for the save," I say, glad that (F/A/N) appeared when they did.

"I thought that giant mutant frog was gonna make us croak," Shaggy jokes. While Scooby, (F/A/N) and I laugh a little at the joke, Shaggy is the only one who doesn't. "Oh, boy, I wish I could enjoy that one."

We then hear a roar, making us quickly look behind us, to see the Lake Monster is still chasing us.

"Scooby, (F/A/N), step on it!" I exclaim, not wanting any us to get killed by that thing.

"No need to tell us!" (F/A/N) exclaims, making his/her bike go faster.

Scooby does the same with his bike. Eventually, thanks to how fast the bikes are going, we manage to lose the Lake Monster. I let out a sigh of relief, glad that we're all safe.

"Oh, heh. Oh. You did it guys. Oh, what friends. What pals. What a--" before Shaggy could finish, he starts to freak out again. "Sand-trap!"

The moment he says that, (F/A/N) and Scooby's bikes crash into something, making all of us land into one of the sand-traps. It hurt, but at least we're alive.

I think some sand got in my mouth, because I started coughing a little. "Is everyone *cough* alright?" I ask, still coughing.

"I am," says (F/A/N).

"Like, me too," says Shaggy. He then smiles at Scooby. "Oh, boy, Scoob. (N/N) and I owe you and (F/A/N) one, buddy. If it wasn't for you, (N/N) and I would--" before Shaggy can finish, his gaze becomes focused on something else. "Hey, would you look at that?"

"What is it?" I ask.

Shaggy brushes some of the sand away, grabbing some kind of blue stone. "It's one of those moonstones. Velma loves these things almost as much as I love deep-fried--Well, anything. Huh. Groovy."

With a smile, Shaggy stands up. He then walks away. I clench my hands into fists, upset and angry.

As if reading my thoughts, Scooby speaks up. "Hmph. Velma, Velma, Velma. Pfft."

"......Yeah. That's exactly how I feel, Scooby," I say, trying not to cry.

While I start to cry, unable to hold it any longer, (F/A/N) gives me a sorrowful look, and Scooby continues to glare at Shaggy.

Why the heck did I ever fall for this guy?

Scooby-Doo sequel/Scooby-Doo Curse of the Lake Monster (insert reader)(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now