Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 6: Meeting Mr. Elmer Uggins

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(Y/N) POV:

After getting ready, and leaving the country club, we followed Velma's directions on where to find Mr. Elmer Uggins, the keeper of an old lighthouse. Well, not all of us exactly. After what happened at the party, Scooby chickened out and was too scared to leave his room, afraid of the Lake Monster coming to get him. To ease his mind, (F/A/N) stayed behind, just in case he needed someone to reassure him.

"Heh. Would you look at that," Fred says as he parks the van. "Our first suspect just happens to be the keeper of a creepy old lighthouse."

"What else is new?" I ask as we all get out of the van, recalling that this isn't the first time that we've had to deal with a creepy lighthouse keeper as a suspect during the mysteries we've solved.

"You know, just once, I wish we found a mystery that started in a cheery futon showroom," Shaggy says.

We all turn to him, having no clue as to what he's talking about, and possibly wondering what made him think that all of a sudden.

"What? Futons offer far more support than traditional mattresses," Shaggy states.

We all shake our heads or roll our eyes at him for being so silly, as usual. When we reach the door, Fred pushes the button to the doorbell, which makes the sound of a foghorn, to let Mr. Uggins know of our arrival. When that doesn't work, Fred knocks on the door a couple of times, before trying to open the door, only to learn that it's locked, and then knocks on the door again. We wait for a moment or two, learning that Mr. Uggins is either ignoring us, or isn't home.

This is getting ridiculous.

I let out a sigh. "Just our luck, isn't it?"

Daphne nods her head in agreement. "The light's on, but nobody's home," she says.

"Isn't this the part when we normally split up and search for clues?" Shaggy quickly asks, doing the thing that Fred usually does. "I'll go with Velma. Ha," with that said, he grabs Velma's hand and walks away, leaving me alone with Fred and Daphne. "Come on. It'll be fun."

Fred, Daphne and I all share a look, shrugging our shoulders, deciding to just go with it. Even though I'm aware of how Shaggy feels about Velma, I try to stay ignorant, since Shaggy desperately doesn't want anyone to know. He is my childhood friend, after all. Plus, this might be a good opportunity for the both of us; for him to get closer to Velma, and me with Daphne.

"Okay. Come on, Daphe, (Y/N)," Fred says, leading the way.

I glare at Fred when he wraps his arm around Daphne's shoulder, trying to keep my jealousy to a minimum. Thankfully, he eventually lets go of her. And I'm not sure how long we had been walking, directing our flashlights at anything that might or might not be a possible clue. But at some point, Daphne decides to start a conversation.

"Hey, Fred, (Y/N), you don't think Shaggy could have a crush on Velma, do you?" she asks.

"Not unless she turned into a steaming bowl of chili cheese fries," Fred says, laughing at his own joke, while Daphne and I are not amused. I mean, Shaggy's my pal, so it wouldn't be right to laugh at him, especially when I can understand what trouble he's going through to try and get Velma to notice him. Once Fred stops laughing at his own joke, he then becomes confused. "Why?"

"I don't know, it's just...he's been acting really goofy lately," she says. Fred and I then stop walking, giving her a look, wanting to know what she means by that, since Shaggy has always been goofy. Daphne then corrects herself. "Even for Shaggy. And he's been following Velma around like a puppy dog. What about you, (Y/N)? Haven't you noticed? I mean, since you and Shaggy are childhood friends, and all that."

"Just because we're childhood friends doesn't mean I know EVERYTHING about him. Some people do like their privacy after all, even Shaggy. There have been times when we like to be left alone instead of talking about what's bothering us. But I do know that he's never once had a girlfriend before, during all of the years I've known him, if that's what you're talking about. So, he's not that knowledgeable about girls, let alone sure of how to ask one out on a date. He's more like the brother I never had. So, if there's something that he'd rather keep a low profile on, then I don't see why I should pressurize him about it," I try to explain.

Fred and Daphne nod their heads in understanding. "Right. Got it," she says.

"Actually, now that you mention it, that would explain why he's been asking me all those questions about dating. But, I guess he didn't take my advice," Fred says before walking away.

"Advice?" Daphne asks. She turns to look at me, asking if I know anything. All I do is shrug my shoulders, showing that I have no idea what Fred is talking about. "Wait, Fred, what advice?" she asks, trying to catch up with Fred, leaving me not too far behind.

"Fred? Exactly what advice did you give Shaggy about dating?" I ask, me and Daphne catching up with him.

"What?" Fred asks, before realizing what I had asked. "Oh, you know, just that it's summertime and we're not really--"

Before Fred could finish, we hear something that sounds like a roar, followed by screaming. It doesn't take long to realize that it must be the Lake Monster, attacking Velma and Shaggy!

"Come on!" I exclaim, running on ahead, with Fred and Daphne right behind me.

Once we reach the shore, we see Shaggy and Velma running with the Lake Monster right on their tail.

"Go, go, go!" Velma exclaims.

"It's the Lake Monster! Save me!" Shaggy screams, him and Velma getting behind me, Fred and Daphne.

Just as at it looks like the Lake Monster's about to attack us, it...trips?

"Ow! My ankle," the Lake Monster says in pain.

"What?" Fred asks, all of us confused.

While the rest of us stand back, Fred runs up to the monster, and takes off the mask, revealing an old man.

"Mr. Uggins, I presume?" Fred asks, helping the said old man get back on his feet.

"Call me Elmer," says the old lighthouse keeper. He then waves his hand in our direction. "Hi, kids,"

Not sure what else to do, we wave back.

Well, this sure has been an interesting night.

Author's note: So, as you can see, this chapter's shorter than the rest. Sorry, being sick and all that, my head's been really out of it, I've been having a hard time focusing, and I didn't know how to make it longer. But hopefully you've all enjoyed it.

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