Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 2: Explanations/Directions

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(Y/N) POV:

After catching Fred and Daphne kissing, we all got into the van, as ready as can be to get a move on to Daphne's uncle's country club. Eventually, after passing the "Now leaving Coolsville Stay Cool" sign, Shaggy decided to speak up.

"Well? I for one think we deserve an explanation," he says, earning a nod of agreement from Scooby.

"Yeah," says Scoob.

"Yes. There's always been an undeniable chemistry between you two, but--" Velma tries to say.

I secretly send an annoyed glare in Velma's direction, before continuing to look out the window, not happy with this. This was supposed to be a fun summer where I might finally have the chance to admit my feelings to Daphne. But instead, I end up with heart break because it's already official that she and Fred are together. As for (F/A/N), he/she doesn't say anything; instead sending sorrowful glances in my direction while the others aren't looking, knowing full well of how I feel about Daphne, and feeling sorry for me.

Why did it have to be him instead of me?

"When did the transformative reaction finally occur?" Velma asks.

Fred sighs, and instead of immediately answering Velma's question-- "Hey, (N/N), you okay back there?" he asks, resulting in everyone to draw their attention on me.

I don't look at anyone, not wanting anyone to notice my sorrow. "I'm fine. Just explain how you two ended up together," I say.

I didn't want to hear it. In fact, right now, all I want is to go back home and lie in bed, thinking of this as nothing more than a bad dream, because that's how broken up I feel right now, knowing that I'm not the one that Daphne wants. But if I didn't say what I did, they all would have realized something was bothering me.

"I guess it started that night at Old Man Frickert's," Fred says.

"Yeah. Remember, Velma?" Daphne asks. "We followed the trail of the vengeful scarecrow up into the hayloft,"


I remember that. Since we didn't know where else to look, the gang and I all split up. While Fred, (F/A/N), and I decided to investigate outside of the barn, the others went inside to see if they could find anything, maybe even some clues. While investigating, however, we eventually heard screaming and looked up to see Daphne losing her balance near one of the barn's open windows.

"Daphne!" Fred exclaims, him and I quickly rushing to catch her.

Thankfully, just as Daphne was about to plummet to her doom, Fred caught her just in the nick of time. (F/A/N) and I let out a sigh of relief, glad that she's alright. I was especially relieved. If anything had happened to Daphne, I never would've forgiven myself.

"Are you okay?" Fred asks.

"I am now," Daphne says.

I wasn't sure why, but Daphne had a stargazing look in her eyes as she looked up at Fred, smiling at him. Fred returned the smile. The way they were looking at each other made me feel jealous inside, but I tried not to let it go to my head, thinking that this was no different from what we usually do when saving each other, while solving mysteries. Before (F/A/N) and I could ask what had gotten into them, we hear an all too familiar scream from my one and only childhood friend.

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