Daphne x reader (Guy's side) Chapter 5: Lake Monster!

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(Just to set the record straight, I'll let you decide what you want to wear at the party, instead of picking something for you. Hope you enjoy!)

(Y/N) POV:

Before I knew it, the day went by so fast that it was already time for the opening night reception. I could even hear the piano playing as I walked inside of a huge white tent with (F/A/N), Shaggy and Scooby. And I must say that it was quite the party. Though, being surrounded by so many well-dressed people makes me feel like I stand out like a sore thumb.

"Wow. This place is incredible," (F/A/N) says, taking in all of our surroundings.

"Like, you can say that again, (F/A/N). Good thing we dressed up, hey, Scoob?" Shaggy asks.

Scooby nods his head. "Yeah,"

"Hey, Shag, (N/N), (F/A/N), Scoob," Daphne says as we walk over to her and Fred. "Where's Velma?"

"Uh, she got sick while we were hanging out near Lake Erie," I answer, thinking that it'd probably be better if I did the explanation instead of Shaggy, while also trying to not be mesmerized by the way Daphne's dressed.

"But it was totally natural causes and not revulsion at the very thought of me," Shaggy quickly says.

Fred and Daphne nod their heads in understanding. But something tells me that they're bound to find out about Shaggy's feelings for Velma, considering the way he's acting. I mean, just one look at them is enough to tell that they're definitely noticing something's off about Shaggy.

I then decide to change the subject for Shaggy's sake, to make it easier for him, in hopes they wouldn't notice his feelings for Velma, especially since he wants to keep it on a low profile. "Hey, Shaggy, why don't you and Scoob help yourself to the buffet table? It's not that often you get the chance to do so at an amazing place like this,"

"Like, don't mind if I do," Shaggy says, his and Scoob's attention on all of the food.

"Sure that's a good idea?" Daphne whispers her question, obviously referring to Shaggy and Scooby's food habits.

"I'm sure they'll be fine. It's summer, after all. Doesn't hurt to have a little fun once in a while, right?" I ask with a smile.

"Right, of course," she says.

I'm not sure why, but she looks uneasy about something.

"You okay?" I ask, getting a little worried about her.

She quickly nods her head. "Of course, just..." she lets out a sigh, choosing her words carefully. "Have you ever had feelings for someone, thinking that they might be the one meant for you, but in reality they never take notice of how you really feel for them?"

Guess she must be having trouble with Fred if she's asking me this.

I let out a sigh, choosing my words carefully. "Yeah, as a matter of fact," I say, rubbing the back of my neck. Seeing Daphne's expression, I can tell that she's curious on what I mean. "There's this girl I really like, but apparently, she fell for somebody else, not noticing how seeing her with someone else that's not me...It really broke my heart..."

"Oh, (Y/N)," she says, looking as though she feels sorry for me.

(F/A/N) gives me a sorrowful gaze, knowing full well to what I'm talking about.

"Is it someone I know? This girl you like?" Daphne asks.

I nod my head. "Yeah, it is," as I put some thought into it, I begin to think that now might be the only chance I have on telling Daphne how I really feel about her, even if it means she might never feel the same about me. "Daphne, there's something important that I need to tell you,"

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