Executive Decisions

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Executive Decisions

I like you, kid. So I’m gonna give you this for free:

You got talent, but if you wanna make waves, your stuff’s gotta pop.

Throw in a bit of snap and crackle while you’re at it.

No point in being deep if nobody digs that. Know your demographic.

Kids these days don’t go for that understated crap. They want epic:

The ghost of my soul awaits judgement in the multi-faceted eyes of God.

Intellectual. Or else it’s bleeding hearts and slit wrists,

or something with a twist they won’t see coming. Shit like that sells;

Sells, capital S. Two lines, long Ls, right down the middle.

Or vampires. Always the god damn vampires. It ain’t my bag, y’know,

but they go mad for the suckers. Heh.

Whaddaya mean, integrity? Don’t give me that. Psht.

Poets. Heads literally up their own asses.

No offense. I know how this business works;

make sacrifices, soul first. And if it ain’t tacked down,

take it. Before some other hack does. You heard me right.

I’ll talk straight: half the world’s Picassos are fakes.

Shakespeare’s shit was written by Bacon.

Am I making sense?

You wanna work in this town, you’ve got a lot to take in.

Now scram. I got other guys to see. Come back in a year or three,

pitch me something big and ballsy. Attaboy.

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