"Never ignores you again hot"

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Credit to Milheaven. I got the idea for this story from their chapter "'studying'"

Everybody's 18+

   "You've got to be kidding me!" El yelled at Mike when she saw him in the basement still working on the project that that he just started even though it's due in two days. "It's been like 4 hours. Take a break, and do something with me. I'm booored," she whined.

   "I'll work for another hour then be done, okay?" Mike said without turning to look at El.

"Fine," she said flatly as she walked back to Mike's  living room, suddenly getting an idea.

                                                            ~15 minute time lapse~

    El wandered up to Nancy's room and knocked on the door 3 times. "Nancy I need help with something," she announced quite loudly. She waited impatiently for Nancy to open her door.

    "Hey El, what's up?" Nancy answered. Eleven explained that Mike had been ignoring her and wanted to catch his attention but didn't know how. "Okay, so what are you suggesting..?" Nancy asked, a little afraid to hear the response.

   " I remember you explaining to me what a makeover is a long time ag-"

   El was cut off by Nancy's squeal of excitement. Nancy grabbed a box of makeup, hair supplies, and what looked like her old clothes. Most of the stuff Eleven was unfamiliar with considering she never was one for messing with makeup and burning her hair with a stick looking thing.

  "These are some of my old things that my friends and I played dress up with. Now we have a station for your makeover... do want to look drop dead gorgeous or he never ignores you again hot?" Nancy asked, while laying out some skirts and shirts on her bed. Some of the skirts did seem a little bit short and a few shirt's were more exposing, but the other clothes either seemed very modest or  were somewhere in between.

    El looked slightly confused at Nancy's comment. "Ummm... what's the difference?"

    "One will get you laid and the other will make him whipped." Nancy answered, emphasizing the word whipped with a fist flicking an imaginary whip in the air.  "Well, actually, I have question for you. Have you and Mike done... it...?"

    Eleven lightly shook her head as she looked at Nancy. Eleven and Mike only had steamy make out sessions; they had never done 'it'. Eleven looked down at the floor while she waited for Nancy's reaction, which did take about 45 seconds but felt like an hour.

  "Okay...if you don't mind me asking, how far have you two gone?" Nancy asked looking a bit concerned.

"Obviously, we kiss and hold hands and he gives me his hoodie and all," El blushed faintly, "but we've only had a few make out sessions. So no, we haven't had sex." 

   Nancy nodded taking in this information. "Alright then let's get you a make out session."

                                                                    1 hour time lapse

  Eleven walked into the basement wearing a black skirt that came just below her thighs, a light purple shirt, her white high top converse, and Mikes black zip-up hoodie (cause it drives him crazy hehe). She also had tinted strawberry lipgloss and mascara. Nancy told El she was going to hangout with Jonathan to study for an upcoming test, which meant they had totally privacy.

"Have fun!" Nancy said teasingly

"Yeah, you too," El says and shuts the door laughing to herself at the memory of Nancy's nervous face.

  "Hey Mike, " El said seductively ,walking as gracefully as possible.

Mike turned around at the sound of Elevens voice. "Hey El, what's u- holy..." He looked at her in aw, wondering how this could be his girlfriend. He doesn't remember when this happened, but he stood up and kissed her hard. El kissed him back smiling as the realization came to her. She had been able to get her boyfriend away from the horrid assignment.

"So, you like my look?" El asked already knowing the answer.

"Obviously." Mike said, "Is that my hoodie?"

"Maybe." she said kissing him again, but softer this time.She put arms around Mike's neck to pull him closer. Mike set his hands on her back and waist to hold her as close as possible. El pushed Mike towards the couch without breaking the kiss until they both needed air.

  Mike got the hint that they were going to the couch and sat down as El straddled him. Mike bit her lower lip making El gasp and allowing him entrance. El broke the kiss to take off Mike's shirt. He happily obliged and lifted his arms to help her. El took a moment to appreciate her boyfriends newly muscular and toned body since he'd been working out a lot to be in shape for basketball season.

   " Damn," El breathed.

   "Thanks." Mike laughed as he began to trail kisses down Elevens jaw and neck getting a quiet moan from El. Mike continued biting and sucking her neck , while he removed his hoodie and untucked her shirt. He soothingly slipped his hands under it earning gasp from Eleven. Mike started to trace patterns on her sides. Mike tracing patterns on her sides lead to him running his hands up her back

  "hmm mike that feels god." Eleven breathed.

   He reconnected their lips and kissed Eleven roughly but passionately. El wanting to return the favor and  began to bite his ear, then left kisses all over his neck. Mike responded with a low groan and dug his nails into El's soft skin.

   El continued sucking and kissing on mike's neck until she was sure he had at least 100 hickeys. That's when they beard the footsteps and max's voice.

   " Hey Mike, do you know where-" Max stopped abruptly when she saw Mike shirtless with multiple hickeys and Eleven with her shirt pulled halfway up, straddling Mike, with a lot of hickeys as well. "umm... alright well, looks like i found her, but you look pretty occupied.So, bye?" Max slowly retreated back up the stairs.

"Well we're never going to live that down." El said slowly.

"Oh well. It was fun and totally worth it," Mike said as he put his shirt back on.

"Yeah it really was.You should take breaks more often AND you need to take breaks when i tell you to." El replied as she got off of Mike and fixed her smeared lipgloss.

"For sure." Mike said as he gave Eleven a sweet kiss.

Sorry this kind sucked, but i did my best so points for trying right??? also idk if anyone's gonna read this, but if you do thank you for reading my trashy spicey mileven work. -we_heart_theater

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